Please watch this tonight ITS ON NOW AT 11 BBC4

mrs h

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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Hi please watch Bulgarias abandoned children tonight on BBC 4 Sunday 7 October 2007 11pm-12.30am
It is very upsetting but it has been repeated so more people can see the conditions these children are left to and hopefully people can do something about it.
I know some people wont watch as it will upset them but please once you have watched it you will realise how lucky you are.
After this programme was originally aired there has been thousands of petitons and forums discussing the fate of these children.
Please please watch
if i remember, but i cant afford to donate. only getting mat and child benefit. partners working.
I might watch it but I can't usually watch things like that - I get too upset.
Has anyone thought about adopting from another country before? I've thought about it lots. Now isn't the right time but maybe one day... would be nice to save a child from bad conditions etc
mrs h said:
Hi please watch Bulgarias abandoned children tonight on BBC 4 Sunday 7 October 2007 11pm-12.30am
It is very upsetting but it has been repeated so more people can see the conditions these children are left to and hopefully people can do something about it.
I know some people wont watch as it will upset them but please once you have watched it you will realise how lucky you are.
After this programme was originally aired there has been thousands of petitons and forums discussing the fate of these children.
Please please watch

i have it set to record. :(
I too have very little money but after watching this programme it made me really think about the life i have and the lives i could maybe change.
I am awaiting a response from Sir Richard Branson to see if he would provide financial backing for me to go over there.
The programme is that bad i seriously am considering one of the children featured in the documentary.
He is only 3 years old and blind but the way he is going he will probbaly be dead by next year.
I just want to get over there and bring him and all the rest home.
thanks for reminding me, i'll be watching x
its too late for me but I can't watch stuff like that...I guess igonorance is bliss is the way i feel....glad everyone isn't the same as me though
Hi sorry another quick reminder its on at 11 on bbc 4
I have just tuned in to BBC Four :D

I have a feeling that I won't be smiling by the end of the program though :(
I know its hard watching but please watch to the end, the final scene of a young blind boy reaching out for a hug from one of the people in the documentary had me in tears for days
That was sooo sad :cry: I can't believe that children can be treated so badly and nothing is done about it. I am really angry with the parents who abandoned them and the rubbish staff :evil:
yea thought that was the english woman who hugged him :hug: was gd to watch even my bf was watching every now and then
OMG that was so heartbreaking :cry: :cry: I cannot stop thinking about it. Those poor children.
Mrs H have you seen this link: ... tml#update

The Bulgarian government has given permission to a group led by the film's director, Kate Blewett, permission to remove the children from the home in Mogilino and into a new building in the town of Ruse. She and a team of volunteers are monitoring how the children are doing and hope to step in with respite care until the children can be moved.

The Director of the care home featured in the documentary, and her deputy, are on indefinite leave.
Hi yes i have seen the update and whilst it is good news for the children in that home apparently there are lots more like that hidden away, hiding the conditions these children live in.
Regarding the staff i dont know how any woman can stand by and let the children fade away before their eyes.
How they didnt cuddle them children or talk to them they are not women and they should be done for child abuse /manslaughter.
I really hope there is a good update on all the children and to see them with a better quality life.
Im sorry if you only watched it because of me and i too still cant stop thinking about them but it makes you think doesnt it how lucky you are. I now think how my son is blessed as he is loved and cuddled so much and he doesnt really need all the latest toys for xmas as there are some children who have so little
don't be sorry :hug: I'm glad I watched it. It makes you think. It should be put on primetime
There were loads of request for it to be shown on BBC1 primetime when it was originally aired but for some strange reason they repeated at a later time still on bbc4.
If you want to help i have a complete list of mep email addreses that people have been complaining to to get something done.Pm me your email address and i ll send it to you
I have to go to work now but if anyone wants the list of meps to complain to pm me your email address thanks

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