please check! (espcially nikki)


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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heres madis rash :( its not very clear on hear any ideas?


I really wouldn't worry. As my doctor says to my mum when I were a baby, babies are spotty things'. They get rashes all the time. I'd see the pharmacist and ask their advice, maybe at a supermarket tomorrow, they are better than the doctors most of the time and no appointment needed, bonus!
is she ill with it? it could be from a virus
have you used any different toiletries? i used cheap bubble bath with nathan and he got an awful rash that looked similar.
different washing powder?
Firstly if you are really concerned ring NHS direct!!
But my daughter gets that kind of rash all the time!! She is allergic to lots of things (some which we are still finding out about and she is nearly 5). If she is alright in herself it is probably nothing to worry about but like I said if you are concerned ring NHS direct who will at least put your mind at rest.
madison is really happy :) i did change the washing powder but ive done all her old clothes in the same one as i used to today. also ive always used johnsons

im just trying to work out what it is :?
Dom got this a lot on and off and it was either heat rash or viral. If you are still worried though best get it checked out.
i dont know i would probably blame the washing powder perhaps it doesnt agree with her anymore :?
if shes happy i wouldnt worry the practice nurse once told me never worry about a well baby with a rash its an unwell baby with a rash that a concern

Here is phoebe when it wasn't too bad it does look quite similar even though it's hard to tell through pics,is it dry at all? Seeing as she has had it for a few days pop her to the docs to see what they say hun,let us know how you get on :hug: xx
thanks everyone!

madi has got a cough ans the sneezes but shes still really happyt :)

could that cause it then?

i will try an get an appointment this week if it dont go :)
hi hun if your worried about the rash ring someone....but if you rub you finger down it does the skin go white...if it does thats good. hope that made sense :oops:
Hev do you know what that loks like? it looks exactly the same as Alfies rash when he was a few days old at first he was covered in a few on his face then it covered his body and went really inflammed however it didnt seem to change his mood at all, MW told me it was just baby spots ... but a very extreme case but it wouldnt bother him and would settle down in about 10 days time and it did i was told not to use baby wipes as his skin was sensitive, hes fine now and it didnt bother him one bit at the time
tonight madi has been a bit restless :( she only had a 1oz of milk and she was screaming for about 30mins :cry:

shes fine now she dont have a temp or anything i gave her a bit of calpol and shes gone to sleep

poor bugger :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
could also be teething hun,they come out in funny rashes sometimes with that :D xx
when madi cries it flares up but when shes clam it dissapears :?
that's how phoebe was to start of with,is her skin dry at all to touch xx
madis skin isnt dry though ive been smothering her with e45 and sudocream
oh bless she must be silky smooth,i would just pop along to the docs hun if it hasn't improved,just to put your mind at rest if nothing else :hug: xx

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