Period Type Pains


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Good morning ladies,

So last night I had a pretty rough sleep... I kept waking up with what felt like my period was about to begin any minute - I felt really really heavy round my hips etc. Then that was followed by back pain. It wasn't BH's as I've had them quite a few times now and they seem totally different to what I had last night.

Has anyone else had the same? xxx
Yep I've had that on and off for a few weeks ive got it again today but I'm hoping in my case it means things are starting to happen as its my due date tomorrow. Just keep an eye on it and mention it to MW if you are worried.
Yes i have this quite often but always goes away and never gets any worse, i think its baby moving down low and getting in position :) xx
Yep I've had this more and more in the last week or so, it seems harder to walk afterwards too so hoping it's Albert getting himself in gear lol xxxxxxxxx
yeah ive had that on and off over the last couple of weeks.
Now I'm slightly worried lol! If you ladies are close to your due dates and I have the same sorts of pains lol! Think I'll mention to my MW if it keeps up! Thank you! Xxx
its supposed to be the bottom half of your uterus stretching to accomodate lo as they move downwards hun, not a sign of labour. thats why ya get it towards the end. just means your baby is moving down like it should so i wouldnt worry unless it turns into regular contractions
Try not to worry hun, I think the closer you get the more you analyse stuff but you aren't that far off being fully cooked at 37 weeks and even for the girls at 38/39 weeks they haven't progressed to anything xxxxxxxxx
Hope you ok, always mention it to your midwife xx
ive had these type of pains aswell but baby is still as active so not too worried :)

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