Perfect Or Sensible Option


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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So I need you to guide me in the right direction :lol:

Im wanting to turn corner of my garden (that is completely concrete) into a bit of a play area - Our landlord told us we could lift the concrete blocks but says now we can't :( We were going to turf it!

Anyway the shape of that corner is triangle (ish) getting small further back so we plan the following;

Black soft tiles (as a temp solution Im buying the interlocking foam ones)

Fixing a picket fence

Pink slide

So heres the problem - Fencing, tiles and slide will cost about £70 each so totalling around £210 so now I need a playhouse!


1st £70|category_root|Toys+and+games|14417629/c_2/3|cat_15701456|Playhouses+and+activity+centres|14417889.htm
2nd £280 Tikes Pink Country Cottage

With the first option I could do all of it for the price of the 2nd playhouse alone *gulp*!

2nd playhouse is not too pink (which even Im not sure on) and has a little sink etc inside!

So do I go with sensible :shock::lol:
or go for a playhouse that is not so, erm pink!!

I can't find one :( I don't want a blue yellow green red one! Boo hoo!
Go to a charity shop or car booty or put an advert in your local freecycle! That second house is the exact same one my neice has and it was £20 from a charity shop, and in great condition :)

play area idea sounds fab btw :yay:
Btw where is that fencing from? Have been after some!
Go to a charity shop or car booty or put an advert in your local freecycle! That second house is the exact same one my neice has and it was £20 from a charity shop, and in great condition :)

play area idea sounds fab btw :yay:

I definately agree with a car boot. Have been to a few recently and I can't believe what you can pick up for next to nothing! The stuff I've seen has been immaculate and because the people just want to get rid of things for space they virtually give the stuff away. My friend bought a pirate themed bouncy castle, child's pop up tent and a brand new baby's swing thing all for £10! The swing itself is from Mothercare and retails for £70...xx
I've decided against it all and going for a small wooden playhouse haha So Ill spend out more I guess but I think it will be better than either of these options now and will be able to match it to our garden furniture :D Plants and a pink slide will look nice :D

Now just need my angelcare monitors to sell :lol:

I was just about to suggest getting a wooden one :lol: You know if you were feeling artistic you could paint a mural on it, pimp it up abit? Add some pink curtains, an off cut of carpet and it would be lovely :yay:

£280 for the playhouse :shock:
Love the idea

have you looked on eBay for a playhouse my mum got my sister a two storey wooden one for 50 quid! They had to go collect it and dismantle remantle it, but it's fab! My dad just roped my uncle and my hubbie in to help
Yer Ive seen personalised door plaques etc :lol:

Although the ones I like go from £200-£300 but when I think £280 on plastic one *shrugs* Im gonna aim for lower of course - Im on my hunt now :yay:
I like the second one in the link
Oooh I like the last one with the slide, is very Grimms fairytales

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