People that hurt children


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
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It really gets to me sometimes (most of the time :( ) about what goes on in the world to babies and children.

There have been so many things going on lately, things in the news and local paper about these things that people do that it makes me feel so helpless.

How do we stop it, where do we start and how do we get these sickos to understand its WRONG WRONG WRONG and that children should not be hurt in this way.

Some of the things I have heard in the last week just turned my stomach.
aww hun, I know... people who hurt kiddies should be hurt back in my eyes, then locked up and the key thrown away
It's awful but really hun I don't see how you expect to stop it.
Apart from becoming vigilantes and putting our own families at risk, I think the only thing we can do is donate to the charities that help to stop these things, and of course raise our own children to be good and caring people who would never hurt their own children.

I know how you feel, sometimes I feel so helpless too :hug:
i feel the same.

what must be going through these 'peoples' heads when they do these things.

but as GGG said, there isnt alot we can do unfortunately, except for pray for these poor children who are born into bad fammilies
since having Leah, i think about it all the time and it upsets me so much :( :cry: :evil:
Xena said:
It's awful but really hun I don't see how you expect to stop it.

thats my point :(

The story in my local paper was about a man, locally in Kilwinning who lived near a school. He is in prison now but it makes you wonder what else is going on.

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