ooooohhhhh...!!!! ;-)


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2010
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Um, well, wasn't really sure where to put this, but, I have a really weird obsession with Crunchy Nut Cornflakes!!! I HAVE to have a LARGE bowl in the morning AND before bed! It's mental.

However, the more interesting one at the moment is the CRAVING for FROMAGE FRAIS - I NEVER eat these, BUT I ALWAYS ate them through my pregnancy!!!

Me thinks a test maybe be in order soon... :whistle: :oooo: :lol: ;-)
Test! good luck Hun x
omg!! r u ttc?? :) of u excited for a happy accident?? lol :poas: xxx
hehe, I really don't know what to do for the best at the moment lol. we are TTC yes, but if I explain that last time, i still had a "period" when i conceived (if that makes sense) very much like my last period too ;-) I am due to come on on friday IF last months period was a "normal" one lol...

I'm so excited ;-) xxx
Omg I didn't know you were ttc!! I'm even more excited for you now :D
aaawww thanks chaz :) yeah, we decided not to get me back on contraception, had long talks about it and decided that now is the right time :) only you lot know though - no one else!

i'm crap with timings of ovulation and all that and i would imagine that my periods still haven't "got into sync" quite yet, but last month af was very much like my last period i had last year so..... you never know! will keep you all posted anyway!!! xx

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