OMG______i Just had a thought !


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2007
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ok, so this is a rare one for me, i was just thinking im never going to get my BFP because if i dont get my BFP at 14dpo with f.responce, im never going to get it and this month is not even worth depressing over. (i used a OPK as a HPT and got BFP CD23 it must have just been a fluke? :think: ) iv had my HPT BFN.. leave it woman theres noooo hope..


i thought.. i picked up my BFP on OPK on CD 10 and CD11... this means i OVd the day after right?? does that make me only 14DPO not 16dpo?? :think: please could anyone shed some light on this as im a little confused, with a hint of hope :)
if you got ur pos OPK cd10/11 then you wont have ov'd till cd 12 / cd 13.. you OV around 36/48 hrs after ur pos opk (dont quote me on this if i'm wrong tho) goo luck babe
goodness me.........................your like a women possesed :rotfl: :rotfl:
it does sound to me u may have ovulated a bit later. but if you got a faint line on a HPT then thats a good sign..........its not very often women get false positives :cheer: :cheer:
well we bd for a week after my ++ so hopf! OH bought home two tests for me.. should i take them?? what DPO does this make me? :oops:
Huddsgirl said:
goodness me.........................your like a women possesed :rotfl: :rotfl:
it does sound to me u may have ovulated a bit later. but if you got a faint line on a HPT then thats a good sign..........its not very often women get false positives :cheer: :cheer:

you think that was a bfp? :doh:
generally seen as you ov 12-36 hours after a pos ov - so day 11-13 - having 2 days worth of positive I'd say 12- 13 is more likely as your surge was still happening on the 2nd test

without temping can't say which day as some women will be 12 hours after, some 36 - however that 1 day shouldn't make a lot of difference in terms of testing
CD9 Neg
CD10 Pos
CD11 Pos
CD12 Neg

Feb 9th /CD23/13dpo
took OPK yeterday just out of curiosity.. BFP

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