oh my gosh.... i can't believe it


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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i only have 95 DAYS......... until little beauty is here :dance:

i can't believe time is going soooooooo fast.. i can barley keep up :D

next week i'll be in my final trimester :shock: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

wow... pregnancy can go fast :lol: you'll think 9 moths is long but really it isn't :wink:
Cool - excellent! it does seem to suddenly race doesn't it. Has just dawned on us that I am 1/2 way this weekend!
noooo! I need it to go slow!

I need to buy a place to live, get a new role at work, assemble some kind of birth plan, buy a new car, try and take one last relaxing holiday, buy baby furniture/clothes/prams!!
But I know you're right, I can't believe how fast 2nd tri is going - good luck to everyone trying to fit everything in, I guess this is where we learn to be good organised mothers?

Wow hun your right it does go fast too fast until the lats month or so you get so impatient :)
everyone is going to tri 3 and leaving me :shakehead:

:lol: only kidding. but keep a seat for me :) (when i finally get there lol)

everyone seems to be getting so far gone. and i seem to be lagging behind lol
YEY neeko :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I agree, 9 months does seem LOADS but it has gone sooooo fast here too :lol: See you in Tri3 real soon :hug:

& keslo you will be just fine wherever you are with your beautifully safe LO (who like ours likes to turn their back on the scan heehee) I'm sure I'll see you in Tri3 in no time, best wishes :hug:
keslo66 said:
everyone is going to tri 3 and leaving me :shakehead:

:lol: only kidding. but keep a seat for me :) (when i finally get there lol)

everyone seems to be getting so far gone. and i seem to be lagging behind lol

ah hunni bun, you'll be there soon, trust be :hug:
I can't even bear to do the whole day counting thing neeko, it's far too scary!

Good luck in tri 3 this week! See you soon!

Valentine xxx
I am amazed I'm almost at 22 weeks already. Where does the time fly. It's so true how the 2nd Tri whizzes past. Scary! :lol:

Enjoy your countdown Neeko. :cheer:

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