Oh my god, is this REALLY happening??


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Do you ever find yourself wondering this sometimes?!!

Somedays I have to actually pinch myself and say to myself 'Im having a baby, im going to be a mummy' and I still dont believe it. Getting my head round of the thought of me having a baby by the new year is just mad, exciting but very mad and I do sometimes have to have a reality check. Its such a big, life changing thing and I really cant wait!! I see things like dates in diaries for next year and find myself thinking 'Ooh baby will be 2 months then' do you know what I mean??

Anyone else have to make sure they are not dreaming sometimes??
omg im the same!!!! i still dont believe it sometimes :cheer:
I forget im pregnant sometimes :oops:
I still look at Zack sometimes and cant believe hes mine :?

Think everyone feels the same at some point :hug:
I'm exactly the same and I had an overwhelming feeling of excitement today, I thought I'd burst! I'm having a baby, OMG!!!!
I'm so close to the birth I imagine it all the time, but it never really feels 'real'.

Not sure it sinks in until they're here. Not long now! :cheer:
Oh god defo, sometimes i'll just be sitting and it'll come into my head oh my god i'm gonna be a mummy, i'm gonna be responsible for this little tiny human being, tis a tad scary sometimes thinking about it!!
I felt like this too a lot lately until I saw my friends baby yesterday, He was so cute and tiny and lovely to cuddle, all I can think about now is holding mine I am so glad im going to be a mummy!
Its the weirdest yet most fantastic feeling ever I reckon!!

Crazy aint it, i still cant beleive it i look at her and think wow shes mine, its such a life changing thing makes you feel so great
I got a weird feeling today - I was booking someone in for a review appointment and they will be coming in to see me in March - but then I had to say no it won't be me as I will be on Mat leave!!!!!!! That made it all seem very real and I then started thingking about it all....

I am dead excited about it all now, before obviously I was happy but it hadn't really sank it... I think I have just had " a moment"!!!!!

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