Oh great i might be homeless soon!


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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The letting agency have taken £117 admin fee and are looking into everything, we were going to get the keys and move on friday/saturday but they said theres a delay in DHs references!! HR wont get back to them about how long hes been working for them! So they wont hand the keys over! And to make it even worse they only have a first name for the person working in HR so we cant get in contact with them (you can only email HR). Its going to take at least a week to get a reply! :evil:
sunshinestars said:
:shock: oh dear, i hope you get things sorted soon huni :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thanks hun :hug:

DH just emailed me to say that HR have spoken to him and said that all references need to come from Croydon and they dont even have there number! :evil: How stupid is that!!
can they not get it for you.. it needs sorting and cant be a thing to spend time on does it... :hug:
aparently there trying to get the number now. But i dont understand why they dont already have it, might have to ask the letting agency what number theyve been given to contact. :? This is such a mess
who does your DH work for if they have to get in touch with Croydon? (Only asking cause I used to work in Croydon in a HR dept)
tuck said:
who does your DH work for if they have to get in touch with Croydon? (Only asking cause I used to work in Croydon in a HR dept)

We both work for the home office.
God what a nightmare hope they get on with it and get it sorted quick!
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I used to work for DWP and dealt with the HR at the HO, was just looking through my stuff to see if still had number for them but sorry cant find it. your own HR department should have it and details of who would be dealing with the references, the only number I can find is main switchboard - 0870 6067766. Hope you get it sorted quickly
tuck said:
I used to work for DWP and dealt with the HR at the HO, was just looking through my stuff to see if still had number for them but sorry cant find it. your own HR department should have it and details of who would be dealing with the references, the only number I can find is main switchboard - 0870 6067766. Hope you get it sorted quickly

Thanks hun :hug:

DH said his manager is willing to do it (even though he shouldnt) if it doesnt work ill give that number a go :hug:
Jenna....ask his line manager to provide the reference if he/ she is happy to, it only has to be someone in a superior position with knowledge that the applicnt works & earns enough to pass the application (typically rent must be 40% or less of salary)........that way you can get the reference returned within 24hours removing the delay.

Just out of interest is the LA doing the refs themselves or do they use a referencing agency?

Hope you get it sorted to move in....worst comes to worst you may need to add a financial guarantor to the applicant who can get a reference provided quickly so that you can still sign & move in on Friday as previously arranged :hug: :hug:
Emmylou said:
Jenna....ask his line manager to provide the reference if he/ she is happy to, it only has to be someone in a superior position with knowledge that the applicnt works & earns enough to pass the application (typically rent must be 40% or less of salary)........that way you can get the reference returned within 24hours removing the delay.

Just out of interest is the LA doing the refs themselves or do they use a referencing agency?

Hope you get it sorted to move in....worst comes to worst you may need to add a financial guarantor to the applicant who can get a reference provided quickly so that you can still sign & move in on Friday as previously arranged :hug: :hug:

referencing agency i think. they just want proof that hes worked there 6months, would easier to provide wage slips!
Hmmmmm.....thats interesting, usually they only want proof that he is in permanent employment - the agency we use ask for a line manager/ payroll/ HR dept to sign a reference form to state that the employment is permanent/ how long has worked there (usually info only)/ salary & that the current address is correct if it is their policy to state that info (some don't because of data protection) - or temporary contract that will fulfill the term of the signed tenancy.......so that they can confirm that the applicant will have an income for the duration of the fixed term (minimum period to sign for legally is 6 months).

If HR dept are being cr*p then I would def get your DH to ask a line manager if they would provide the reference (as they should be able to), that way you can make sure you get the bits back in time for Friday - I hope this gets sorted for you.....if you need any help with LA/ rented accomodation feel free to PM me anytime hun :hug:

Also, just thought, they (HR) may want your DH's consent before they release any of the employment details (I have known this hold up applications too in the past) usually the signed application form is enough (which the LA would need to fax over) but make sure if you get the number of HR dept, that your DH calls them & requests that they give the reference immediate attention, and that he authorises the release of the info :wink:

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