Nursing strike...won't take a bottle?

Sam's Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Not sure if you'd even call it that when he is eventually feeding very reluctantly? I never experienced anything like this with Sam so I'm not sure what to do... Toby keeps refusing to feed when I know he's really hungry - he'll go to latch on then turn away and scream. So far I've managed to feed him after about an hour of trying but he'll still just feed for a couple of minutes then stop and scream and refuse to go back on. He hasn't been well recently and his first tooth has just come through but both have those started before any of the feeding problems. He won't drink from a bottle and I'd have no chance of cup feeding him once he's screaming.

Any ideas? I've tried skin to skin, different positions but nothing seems to help :(
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As I was reading I was thinking.....teeth......
Rosie always refused her bottle when she had teeth coming, sometimes it can hurt to suck - hope he;s ok soon xx
Oh good...hopefully it's just that then and we'll be back to normal soon. First one through the gum today so I thought most of the pain would have been before now but maybe it's bothering him more now - I think the second one is just about to come through too so could be that. Huge exploding poo on my arm this afternoon so he must be doing ok :rofl:
I think it must be his teeth - wouldn't feed again so I gave him some calpol, waited 20 minutes and he's now feeding ok :)
Awww bless

Can you not put some bonjela on his gums a minute before he feeds?

I might try that this afternoon... thanks hun. Tried some teething powder last night but he didn't seem impressed and just screamed even more :lol: He was slightly better this morning but I can see the next tooth waiting to come through! x
Bonjela worked last night when he woke up and wouldn't feed...thank you :yay:

He seems so much happier today too - hopefully the painful bit is over now they're both through the gum x
Poor lil man :(

Teeth always done the same here too hun :wall2:
At least we've managed to get two out of the way at once here... Why can't they just wake up one morning with a mouth full of them? :lol:
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