Nub Theory! Boy or Girl....

May 14, 2012
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Hello girls... im new to this so apologies if im doing it wrong!! last week i went for my 12 week scan where i found out i am 14 weeks :bump:.. ever since i held the picture iv been trying to guess using the nub theory!! im not sure how to upload the full picture big but its on my display picture???!?! thank you xxx
I've been studying the nub theory trying to understand it too!! If the nub is what i think it is then i guess boy.
Boy from me. Pointing slightly upwards......not long Till you can find out! Bet that felt lovely to be put forward 2 weeks. Xx
Hi littlebundle you made it I see, welcome to tri2 xx
thank you katey123 :) & yes Gayle30! i was in shock was so happy!! everyone that has seen my pic has predicted boy too! x
I could do to go forward to 36 weeks.....that would please me no end!!! :) xx
oooh what does mine look like? my pics not very clear though lol x I havent got a clue where abouts im ment to be looking! haha x
I am no good at nub theories, and tbh you can never be 100% of the sex before birth anyway x
Just an update as iv not been on for a while... im having a BOY :)
the little mr has found prefect use for his feet as his kicking away as im typing <3:blue:
Yay!!! not often I am right.

Congratulations, little boys are so cuddly and loving. Have you a name for him yet?
Congrats on your little blue bundle, I'm team blue too. xx
thank you :D nope!! im struggling with the name part.. i have a few just cant decide!! at my 28weeks midwife appointment today so hopefully il get an estimate on his size etc :) xx
Aww congrats on team blue! Xxx

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