

Jun 3, 2005
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hi my name is babi and i think i am pregnant and i am quite confused about it :?
I'm in the same situation hon if you want to talk
thanks for replying me.
i think i am going crazy from thinking.
thing is i really dont think i am pregnant, ya, but some things just indicate otherwise. i have booked an appointmant with the gp, but i've got an exam next week and wouldnt want the whole thing to absolutely freak me out. but thing s i cant even study now. dont knnow wat to do.
do you think you'd be up to taking a home test?
It's hard when exams are about, i've just finished my finals but waited until after to take a test (I can understand you wanting to do that) but it's just as hard.

How would you feel if you are?
at first, it was kind of exciting, cos i ove kids and well i will be 25 soon, so not young and all that but, yesterday i was with the "father" and we were just chilling watching tv, and some comments made me realise that he would absolutely hate me and i would probably have to get an abortion and i really dont want to. m folks would eventually come around to the idea, though my dad would be quite gutted it is illegitimate, but i dont even want that. its so crazy right now. thing is the guy isnt my boyfriend and i am single but he has his own issues that would really just complicate everything, infact those are the rasons we arent dating. thinking abot ging out to get a home pregnancy kit, but i really dont know.
i think you should get one, if you are pregnant and are late for your period, then it will show up now, you will get a yes or no answer you then you can sort things out
ok, but i was thinking it might be too early for the test to show cos its just a week late
some tests can detect a few days before (i.e first response).
I'm still only a little over a week late and have tested positive
Hi babi

Just wanted to wish you good luck

I guess you love this guy even if he's not your bf? I'm sorry if you really love him and want to be with him but his issues stand in the way. I hope the situation will change

take good care

i have found that the cheaper tests are the best for showing up, if you do deicde to get one then best of luck, hope you get the result you want.

let us know

thanks. all. guess i will just go out and buy the test kit. then.... i can properly freak out
i was on'y a few days late when mine showed up...
clear blue is what i used... the digital ones are supposed to be good, but a bit more expensive... and make sure you get a multi pack, cos you'll probably want to do another test whatever the result just to make sure!!!!

And don't let him make your decisions for you either, if you want the baby don't think that only he can make the choice, its your signature they would need on any papers!!!

Good luck xxxx

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