New and moody!


Active Member
Oct 8, 2008
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Hi all

This is my first post in 2nd Trimester. I'm 17 weeks pregnant and everything going well (apart from having a low lying placenta but i'm assured that its not a big deal).

I'm really looking for some advice on moods.

I had a really frustrating day at work on Friday (totally ran out of patience with everyone) and been in a stinker of a mood all weekend - just really feeling a bit paranoid, useless and unloved. In work today and still feel the same (totally paranoid that people aren't talking to me).

I hate feeling this way as I'm usually really in control of my feelings and don't really care what people think so its really freaking me out. I haven't told my husband as I don't want to look like a totally unstable weirdo but he knows there is something wrong! We had friends over on Saturday night and in an instant something put me in a mood and I went to my bed without telling anyone -I'm never that rude!

I know mood swings are part and parcel of the whole experience but does anyone else get the same feelings????

Please help me feel like I'm normal !!!

Mummy-to-be in need
Hi there! I'm 16 weeks pregnant and I've been feeling pretty similar to you to be honest! Went out with friends on Saturday night and had a huge row with boyfriend before we went out and then when we got home (sooooo unlike me). Even my friend noticed I wasn't myself. I can only think it's the tiredness/hormones/getting used to a new body image etc.

Try to treat yourself at least once a day, and just breathe deeply knowing that you won't feel like this forever, and there are loads of people feeling the same as you.

I hope you're ok

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