need your advice girleys


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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rite here i go.
when i was at skool i really liked this bloke in the same year but he had a GF but wen they broke up i was with garry
so wen we left skool i lost contact with him! but on sat we started tlking again and really wants to meet up(he know bout B and is fine about it) tomoz the only prob is its for my mates birthday and u know who will be there!
if you like this guy then meet up, but if you still have feelings for Garry then dont, it wont be fair on either of you.

if you dont have any feelings for him anymore then dont let him stop you moving on and having fun. its his loss at the end of the day


Well hun ive already told you what i think and remember no backing out now lol. :D :D
Have fun.
layla i dont have feeling for G ne more but i dont want him ruining this for me before nething has even happened

thanks girleys
is he likely to start then? does this new guy know about Gary?

how about going somewhere else with him, would your friend understand?
well id wait for the results of your test first and go from there. If you're pregnant with garrrys baby you might feel differently and so might this other bloke.
no shed blow her gas top lol were not really friends my mums m8s with her and i cant cope wwith the whole u cant do oone thing for me wen i do so much for u speach

and garry dont like the idea of me being happy so he may kick off
budge said:
well id wait for the results of your test first and go from there. If you're pregnant with garrrys baby you might feel differently and so might this other bloke.

do you think you might be pg sarah?
budge has a point, but if you get the all clear from the doc then i would go for it with this guy, if he likes you enough then he wont let garry come between you, go have some fun! :D

he is the only person apart from u guys who know about it and was fine with it!! didnt mind at al
Like you said to me when i was in that situation... go for it. if you dont feel anything for garry then you and braydon deserve to be happy and if this lad is what it takes then go for it. id probs wait until you get your results before you rush into anything though.

Sorry i never text back..didnt get the phone til gone 10...

Love Amy x
Go for it hun :D you only live once and you've been through so much already, you deserve 2 be happy. i agree though, wait until you get the results back before you rush into anything.

Hun you are fantastic and you do deserve to have a life and be happy. i hope it all works out for you :D

Love Hayley xxx
Hi hun, I agree with Budge, wait and see what the test says and then make your decision because it may put things in a whole new light! But if you still feel the same then GO FOR IT! You deserve to be happy and your only young once :)
go for it and shove it in garrys face.!!! his loss your deserve better and as long as this guy is better then you have all to gain nothing to lose!!!

have fun babes u deserve it..n if garry kicks off il come kick his butt!! hehe

cas xxxx
well i had to cancel B really isnt well and i didnt wanna drag him out this bloke was absolutly brilliant about it and totally understood

Ive already said this but he sounds like such a great guy!!!
Got to get out with him soon when B is better .

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