Need to look glamourous!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Ahhhhh help!

Im off to a pole dancing event next WE and need to look, well rather lushious :) I have a found a couple of dress i "think" are preggo friendly I had a look o a few matty sites and they look a bit drab but would appreciate any help...

what do you girls think of the dresses? Be honest i want to look nice and glam, not hoochie mama!! ... uoise&sh=0 ... 00=Evening Dresses&Rf-300=1370

I was planning on wearing leggings aswell if it looked dodgey?

Could use a little help here...
I like them both, I prefer the first one in blue though!
I personally cant see how they are preggie friendly unless you have a pretty small bump? but i like the second one.
Flame said:
I personally cant see how they are preggie friendly unless you have a pretty small bump? but i like the second one.

Dunno about the blk but the blue one is stretchy so was going to stretch the fook out of it... :cry: :rotfl:

I told u i need help!
They are both lovley but i think the first one will probley be better looks more stretchy
The colour of that blue one is gorgeous but I dunno I would feel a bit self conscious of it being all clingy to the bump.I like the black one you posted NO leggins though and some nice Bright coloured funky shoes!

These would look lush then blue eyeshadow and accessory's ... %20Sandals
To me the black one looks quite loose to just get the size up or something to be could order 2 sizes just send back the one that doesnt fit :)
i loveee bohoo soo reasonable and such pretty stuff !!

To be honest i think the blue one might give ya a bit of a VPL !!! Gorgeous colour though, i think the black ones pretty and u cud whack a colourful bit of ribbon under ur boobs and itd look verrrryy nice !!
I like the 1st one better but it might be a bit clingy on your bump though, new look do a pregnancy range now i think.

I agree with you though maternity clothes can be sooo drab its unreal i had a blonde moment when I was looking for something to wear for my dads 50th i said "maternity clothes aren't trendy at all their so, well so mumsy" :wall: peter and my dad loved that quote.
For my choice i would have to say the first one is better. Its not something that i would wear myself but if you have a figure pregnant or not then why not!
Good Luck and hope you find something you like.
Oooo go for the first one hun ( blue)'ll look HOT!! :hug: xx
they are both nice dresses but i wouldnt recommend them as they want cling to the right places and because of your bump the dress will go shorter at the front..

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