Need outsiders opinions!


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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I'll start with last May when I had just gotten a positive hpt while I was 21wks pregnant, a week later before I could even get into a doctor I had lost the baby but that seems totally unrelated to how I've been feeling for the last week.

I had just gotten a new job after being laid off for three months and was working the same schedule I had before but earlier this week I developed what at first I figured was just a cold. I began to experience chills, nausea, a slight fever, sore, stiff back and cramps. Later on I realized when I was taking cough medicine and cold and flu pills I was feeling constantly nauseous.
I know some cold and flu symptoms can mimic the symptoms of pregnancy. I have also been having a creamy white discharge and constant slight cramps, along with mild pain during intercourse. I also work part time in a bakery, and for the last two days lifting things has become slightly uncomfortable, but I can't really explain it. I'm expecting my period a week from today, and was getting anxious for an answer so I took a htp, which showed up negative but very very faint..

If anyone has any opinions, theories, suggestions, etc, it would be greatly appreciated!
Do you mean a very faint line showed up?

If your period isn't due for a week then a test would likely show a negative, i'd leave it until a few days before your period is due and try again. Good luck!
Hi there

You should only get a line if it's a genuine positive, so I hope this is good news for you. A wek before period seems quite an early time to test - I guess you will know better in a few days - good luck! Xx
Hi there

You should only get a line if it's a genuine positive, so I hope this is good news for you. A wek before period seems quite an early time to test - I guess you will know better in a few days - good luck! Xx
Hi. It depends on the type of test you used. I have ones that say you can test as early as 6 days before AF is due. Take care. xxx

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