Need advice please


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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As some of you know Jamie is a great big hefer!! He weighs in at 19lbs 4oz (8.73kg) and he's also very long so has near enough grown out of his car seat so we are looking to buy another one but want it to last until he's 11 as they are soooooooooo expensive.

I've just been looking and they say from 9 months (9kg - 36kg) and that the baby has to be sitting up unaided. What do we do as he weighs nearly 9kg but is only just 4 months?

(Sorry if this has been discussed before)
Ella's about 21lb and growing out of her car seat. Am hoping it will last for another month because of the cost!

The reason they tell you to wait til they're older is because of the spinal injuries that can be caused if you have an accident and your baby is in a forward facing car seat before they are ready. Mothercare are really good with advice. Personally I wouldn't haved risked putting Ella in a forward facing car seat til around now (she sits totally unaided) but it's up to each individual mother I guess :)
I was gonna say I got a combination car seat it goes rear facing until you're ready to turn it to forward facing. They last till they are about 4 years old.
Thanks girls. How old do kiddies have to be before they are allowed on a booster? Is it 4 then or would we have to buy another car seat?
i think it is 4 hun i have a combination and its good as they can be reclined
I wish I had thought of that before we bought our travel system. :roll: also wish Jamie wasn't so blooming long!! :lol:
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
i think it is 4 hun i have a combination and its good as they can be reclined

Be careful with the reclining ones as they aren't alawys as safe as a solid structured one. I was going to get one for Damien so we could fit an apnoea mat in it but it's just not safe enough in a crash.

I looked at my Kiaras carseat the other day and saw she had outgrown it at 4 months old :shock: i was shocked feel so bad that i never looked and its not her weight its her height she is about 3 inches too big for it.... no wonder her feet stick out far :?
But we have another one which is for all the stages and can go rear facing till they are 30 somthing inches so yay .
hmm so much to worry about , hope you find one.
check this out for yourselves.

i was told a baby is only too big for a car seat when their head goes above the back. it doesnt matter if their feet are hanging over the edge, i dont know how true this is but i would ask at mothercare or halfords.

plus remember when buying a booster seat that up until a certain age they have to have a back on the booster seat. we bought a booster with a back for joshua and i think it was £18 from Argos.
We've just got Ella a forward facing car seat. She was getting very frustrated in her rear facing one because she was pushing her legs on the seat and also becuase she couldnt see us. she just looked cramped and uncomfy.

But Ella is over 20lb and can sit unaided for more than 15 minutes which is the criteria for moving into a big f/f seat.

The F/F car seats last until about 3/4 then you will have to buy another that is from age 3-12 as davina said is like a booster with a back and sides.

Personally I would wait a little longer. Ella is almost 8 months and looks small in her f/f seat. I went for a maxi cose reclining one and am very happy with it, it was £80 reduced from £100

ok Im babbling now :wall:

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