Nappy nightmare...desperate now


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I'm at my wit's end with nappy changing... it's becoming a total nightmare and can take up to 20 minutes to get the dirty one off and the clean one on.

Evie hates it with a passion...she screams, thrashes around, wriggles, crawls off...half the time I end up chasing her around the lounge trying to wipe her clean praying that she doesn't turn around and sit down on my pale beige carpet :puke: :lol:

I've tried doing it in different rooms, singing, playing with toys, letting her hold stuff, giving her food to eat. I've even spent a few weeks using the relevant sign language to explain what I'm doing (the sign teacher said it would work :( :( )

I really don't know what to do anymore....any suggestions? PLEASE!!!!

thanks :hug:
I'm really flexible so I pin lil miss arms down with my feet and change her or give her the tube of nappy cream to play with... (she knows shes not allowed normally and is too busy enjoying being naughty to notice :rotfl: ), but my gods is she a pain in the bum.... I tried pull ups too but they don't catch baby poo very well.. :puke:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Now you know why some animals eat their young :roll:
You probably have already.......but have you tried doing it in front of the telly?
When Dan won't let me, I change him on the frontroom floor with peppa pig on.
Misslarue said:
You probably have already.......but have you tried doing it in front of the telly?
When Dan won't let me, I change him on the frontroom floor with peppa pig on.

Yeah..she's sees the blooming thing and sets off to it then stands up against the tv stand to watch TV!

:rotfl: :hug:
I could have wrote that myself Leanne!!

Distraction & Patience are my best friends when changing her nappy, it drives me insane as she either SCREEEEEEEEAMS or just wriggles, kicks & crawls off! I usually give her something she shouldnt really have (like squig said) like my phone :? or something... We've tried it while on her front, on her back, sat up, stood up :lol: none are very easy with an energetic bambino!! Good luck, if you find a magic solution let me know pleeeeeease lol xx
OH was late for work this morning cos she decided to do a timely poo just as he was putting her coat on ready for nursery :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

He said it was the worst nappy change of his life... I'm glad I was at work for that one :cheer:
porscia sometimes gets like this... i get her involved by giving her the napy to hold for me.. or the tub of cream... seems to keep her quiet
It's certainly a common problem. Be careful what you give them to play with though. Someone mentioned their phone - have you ever tried cleaning poo out of the buttons on a phone :puke:

The other day OH suggested that Mothercare should start selling baby straightjackets along with the change mats :lol: after Q set off at high speed with a pooey bum then proceeded to sit down on the carpet and grind it in.

Unfortunately I have no suggestions as nothing seems to work consistently.

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