Naming our little monkey


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2016
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I'm so excited to be having a boy, but when it comes to choosing a name, it's definitely more difficult than for a girl. After making a long list, we started to look at meaning and numerology, just to see if it would help. So right now we have the following names:

Aidan Kelly (little fiery warrior)
Aiden Quinn (little fiery wise one)
Aidan Aleksander (fiery defender of man)
Lukas Quinn (wise bringer of light)
Lucas Kelly (bringer of light warrior)
Eli Sebastiaan (ascended venerable)
Alec Eamonn (defender of man, wealth, fortune and protection)

The different spellings of names is because it makes the numerology compatible.

We seem to be leaning towards Aidan Kelly, but then my dw decided to add some names to play around with. I love Quinn, but she isn't as keen on it for a boy because of Glee, but I've always known it as more of boys name. Being a scifi geek, loved the name when watching Sliders.

I love Aiden Quinn that's the one that stood our most to me. Even before I read your last paragraph about what you and your dw prefer.

I also prefer the meaning as they say the pen is mightier then the sword. However I know the difficulties you've already had with you're little man and he's already a proven warrior!

Lukas Quinn and lucas Kelly I like the meanings I'm not religious in the traditional sense but light bringer reminds me of lucifer which means in my "beliefs" is the light of intellectualism honesty and life the here and now and questioner of the standards and convention the bringer of enlightenment.

Unconventional.... controversial.... but totally awesome :p
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Thanks, Ery. Yeah, I really love the meaning of Aidan Kelly - that's what has completely drawn me to that name. Using some Irish names is nice as we met there and started out relationship there. My in-laws, although Dutch, still live there, so plenty of Irish connections. The only concern about using Kelly is that it's the surname of one of our closest friends who actually offered to be a donor, which we passed on as we didn't want to risk complicating things.

I love that deeper meaning for Lucas. I'm not religious, but find it very fascinating. I'm all into philosophy though.
We have a lot of Irish connection's too hence why we initially had Erin as our name but we flipped and went Russian instead lol.
I like Aiden Quinn the best and love the meaning too xx
One of the reasons I like Aleksander is how the Russians use Sasha. We thought about my Polish heritage,which is why Lucas is in there- common there, but we can't use those spellings as I don't want the name to be butchered. At least he'll have my dw's surname, which is far easier than my Polish one.

Thanks ladies. I'm going to get on my feet about that one. I love it too. She was coming up with some crazy last minute names.
Lol that's part and parcel about the last few days of pregnancy the wacky name choices you'll wake up in the middle if the night convinced the best name for your son is "Jupiter Cosmo" or something lol
Ohh I like them all. I think my favourite is Alec, that just attracts me. I have an uncle Quin, so for me it is a boys name. I don't know any girls called it.

What initial surname will it be? Just to check none of them spell anything you don't want!
The surname initials are vG, so there is nothing to worry about there. I do like Alec as well, and if we name him with an A then if my dw has a boy we won't use an A name. My mother was crazy and all 5 girsl were LLL, so not doing that to my kids. It's taken some time to agree to putting Lucas on the list, but love the meaning.

All these names are really ones I can see me saying on a regular basis. We eliminated most as we just couldn't picture using the name everyday for our son, even if we really liked the name.
I love Lucas Quinn but I'm biased as my son is Lucas and Quinn is a favourite name of mine. My son absolutely lives up to the meaning of his name, everywhere he goes! I think Eli Sebastian has a lovely ring to it also :) I actually like them all. Good luck picking xx
Thanks ladies. I'm glad others love them too. It's taken us ages to get the names narrowed down. We had a list with about 25 names on it at one point. Not much longer to go. I can't wait to meet him. I hope when we see him that we just know. I'm sure one from that list will be used. I find it interesting how many people love them. We are keeping name options quiet from family. They all know he's getting my dw's surname and that's it.
Lucas Kelly stood out the most to me. Though all the other names are so so nice, I wonder how you guys are gonna decide!!
We went with Aidan Lucas. I just couldn't use Lucas as a first name, even though I love it, because I couldn't go with an L name. My mother was crazy and gave all 5 of us the initials LLL.
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