My Sis in Law had her 11lb baby! (Updated With Pic!)


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi All,

My siter in law (Well DP's sis in Law, cos we're not married) had her baby today.

As she was really big they scanned her tuesday and as baby was big they did a C-section today.

At about 12.10 she had a baby boy called Max who weighs 11lb 1oz!!!!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

I hope it doesn't run in the family!
It's nice as my little boy bump has a cousin already and they will only be 4 months apart.

What a big baby though!!

Love Lau
:shock: that is a big baby!!! - How many weeks was she??

Congratulations on your nephew - that's so nice for your little boy to have a playmate!! Hope your SIL recovers quickly too from the surgery.

She said she was due on the 4th Feb.

But after as she was so big she went in for an extra scan and they said she may have been due two weeks earlier.

So god knows. Sounds like the hospital may have cocked up a bit!

I saw her last at the beginning of Jan and though she looked ready to drop then.

Poor thing. She really wanted a natural birth in a midwife centre. But no hope with a big un like that!

I can't wait to see him. But the outfits i got him from Paris will probably be too small so i expect i will end up keeping them for peanut!

lmarszall said:
She said she was due on the 4th Feb.

I can't wait to see him. But the outfits i got him from Paris will probably be too small so i expect i will end up keeping them for peanut!


That's a thought - he'll practically be in 3-6 months clothes already!! At least you know you'll be able to use them so they won't go to waste!

My OH's elder brother was 11lb 4oz so I am hoping it's not something in the genes! :shock:

My daughter was a tiny 5lb 10oz bizarrely, for no obvious reasons, but I was was told I was carrying a large baby! :rotfl:
i was 10 and a half :shock:

and i was think9ing say if my litlle one was so big :shock:
Here is a picture of little (!!) Max the 11lb 1oz bruiser, lol!

He didn't really seem that big when we went to see him but he is lifting his head up already and looking around!

This is him Saturday at 1 day old!


Love Lau
Ooouch! <crosses> but guess if she had a ceasarian size does not matter?!

what a cutie?! Great photo! :D

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