My niece broke her leg


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Bless her she's only 2. They were at a wedding and a large drunk woman fell on top of her on the dance floor :shock: :x

They thought she was going to have to have a full leg cast but she's got away with a half leg one and a shoe thing so she can still put some weight on it. Poor baby.

And my sister's currently 38 weeks pregnant, so the timing isn't great...
oh no bless her
poor lil mite and ur poor sis wouldnt like to be her if htis baby comes soon
OMG - poor little thing :shock:

Mind you toddlers usually just find a way to carry on with plaster on - I know as both a baby and a toddler it only ever took Josh a few days to adapt to plaster on his legs and find a way of getting around :hug:
Poor bairn! I hope the drunk woman feels suitably ashamed of herself!
Poor love! Hope shes feeling better soon. I was really shocked when I read that then. Hope that stupid womens feels guilty!
I don't think anyone knows who the woman was. Probably for the best, my sister is very protective and hormonal! She had gone to the loo and Molly was with her Grandad when it happened, but they didn't realise it was broken for about an hour and by the time they got back from A&E the woman had gone.

And they'd run out of bright pink plaster at the hospital so Molly's ended up with a bright green plaster instead!

They were really impressed with Darlington hospital though, they were seen quickly & treated really well.
Cor great big fatty squashing her
i bet she feels well guilty

Awww bless...poor thing, I hope she doesn't find the cast too obstructive and that it isn't too painful now :hug: :hug:

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