Moving Over Next Week - Anyone with me!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Hi Girlies

Well cant beleive it but im moving over to tri 3 on Wednesday but am going to miss tri 2 soooooo much :( is anyone else moving over soonish??

You have all been so supportive through this pregnancy i dont know what i would do without you all and your words of support and advice!!!

Thank you :hug: :hug: x x xx
Hey chick, I know what you mean. I am moving over tomorrow, and cant believe how fast its going! Only got 10 weeks left at work now and less than 3 months till I meet my baby :shock: :D See you on the other side! :cheer:
i am moving over next week also, we can all move together!! :cheer:
Yes! I will be moving over Tuesday also. Dannii and a few others have already moved over so i'm sure they'll give us a warm welcome! xxx
see you all there in just under 5 weeks, hope its not too scary there, will definitely keep posting in 2nd tri aswell.
YAY!!! :cheer: :cheer: There are so many of us making the move lately!!

I can't wait for you lot to come over!! Come on tickers, hurry up! :pray:

Can you do me a favour though when you get over there? Post LOADS of questions to make my load seem like nothing?! :lol: But ssh, that's between you lot and me only OK?...! :shhh:
:) :) :)
she's measuring 2 weeks ahead but they're sticking to the original EDD (even though every scan bar the booking in has measured her ahead) so technically is should be in the 3rd and final trimester right now... but im sticking to my EDD so ill be there a week on friday.
***vix*** said:
:) :) :)
she's measuring 2 weeks ahead but they're sticking to the original EDD (even though every scan bar the booking in has measured her ahead) so technically is should be in the 3rd and final trimester right now... but im sticking to my EDD so ill be there a week on friday.

Oooh so your bubs could arrive the same time as mine! :cheer: xx
me too - im moving over next week - cant believe it!!!!
oh and wow - i just spotted im in double figures too!
im not booo you lot boo !! Ill get there eventually but til then, say something a bit weird every now and again just to get them ready for me yeah ? Ul ask lots of questions i promise !!!
I wish I was lol!
I have a loooongg time to wait yet!! :D
There are a few of us moving over next week - Myself, Mildly and NickyB. So we should be really taking up their space :cheer: It does sound a little scary in there..everytime I look someone has popped!

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