Moving from C&G comfort???


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Evie is currently on C&G Comfort 1. We're ready to move onto the next stage with regards to milk as I don't think the comfort 1 is satisfying her anymore...she's having 10oz before bed :shock:

I was just wondering if anyone had moved off comfort and onto a normal milk. I could go to comfort 2...or I could go to C&G stage 3.

I'm not convinced she needs comfort milk anymore :think: :think: :think:

any advice??? :hug:
Eakk, all I could suggest is trying it...

When my LO is 6months im going to try moving off the comfort, onto probably that stage 3 c&g.

Presuming that your LO is on comfort because she was sicky, if the sickness returns... then go onto comfort 2.

Fingers Crossed if you do move off it, all is well :hug:
I think thats what I'll do...

tbh I don't mind spending the extra money on Comfort milk but it would be ace to just be able to take ready mixed cartons out and about (that suggests I'm lazy doesn't it!) :oops:
Im exactly the same, its a pain that they dont do the ready mix...!! Especially the faf that preparing the milk is if your going out etc.

Im hoping to get him onto normal milk about 6months...
I've been wondering the same as Harrison is on the comfort too, he's fine on it for now but I wanted to try him back on hipp or something similar!

I switched Maia from Comfort to Hipp milk, I don't remember what age she was exactly, possibly around 5 months. We had no problems with the changeover at all. :D
i think ky is ready to move onto the comfort 2? :think: im guna wait it out a couple more weeks as i think hes just having a growth spurt and since weaning has been going well he seems to have a much larger appetite. he hasnt woken for a bottle in the night for ages but for the past week hes been waking at 3.30am and nothing will settle him back to sleep except a bottle. it use to be just a case of popping the dummy back in.

I was speaking to a girl in work and she said when she swapped to comfort 2 her little girl got really constipated and it didnt fill her up more. i think its just a case of adding more vitamins and other bits and bobs they need in their milk!

hmmm your right actually maybe i should just swap to cow and gate 3?? he doesnt suffer from colic anymore so does he need comfort.... :think: what are you going to do?
Sage said:
i think ky is ready to move onto the comfort 2? :think: im guna wait it out a couple more weeks as i think hes just having a growth spurt and since weaning has been going well he seems to have a much larger appetite. he hasnt woken for a bottle in the night for ages but for the past week hes been waking at 3.30am and nothing will settle him back to sleep except a bottle. it use to be just a case of popping the dummy back in.

I was speaking to a girl in work and she said when she swapped to comfort 2 her little girl got really constipated and it didnt fill her up more. i think its just a case of adding more vitamins and other bits and bobs they need in their milk!

hmmm your right actually maybe i should just swap to cow and gate 3?? he doesnt suffer from colic anymore so does he need comfort.... :think: what are you going to do?

I've decided that once the current milk carton runs out to switch to C&G 3. I've bought 2 days worth of ready mixed cartons just in case it doesn't agree with her and then I'm not wasting another 8quid and a full tub of powder (like I did last time!)!

I spoke to the HV yesterday who said that seeing as she is 6 months next week it would be better to move to the next stage milk which apparently is more suitable to weaning babies. She also said it would be the ideal time to stop using Comfort milk as Evie probably won't have any reflux problems anymore because her gut and the little flap that closes at the top of her stomach etc will have matured enough to work correctly now.
ah thats a good idea just buying some cartons just incase! i didnt think of that. Funnily enough i saw my HV the other day and she practically said dont bother changing his milk apparently its just a marketing ploy and they're thinking of just changing it to only one type of formula?
Sage said:
ah thats a good idea just buying some cartons just incase! i didnt think of that. Funnily enough i saw my HV the other day and she practically said dont bother changing his milk apparently its just a marketing ploy and they're thinking of just changing it to only one type of formula?

that doesn't make sense though because C&G 3 is cheaper than Comfort 1! :lol: :cheer:
have you swapped? ive tried now for 2 days on the c &g 3 and hes not fussed at all! he was on the fast flow teats but he just gets milk all over him now as that milks thinner! im guna try for another day but otherwise i think im guna have to go back to comfort as hes not taking in enough milk!

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