Hello ladies
In case ur looking for one, Mothercare have a sale on a few diff steralisers... all half price. One is there own brand Pod which is now 24.99, one is there own brand Digital Pod which is 29.99 and one is a Tommee Tippee which is reduced from 120.00 to 60.00 - this one comes with 8 bottles and 8 slow flow teets. 3 mid flow teets, a soother, a brush, a bottle warmer, 2 insulating bottle holders, 6 powder dispensers and a pair of tongs. Pricey but u get alot for ur money!
Plus if u join their club, there is £5 voucher off steralisers if over £50.
They also have 3 for 2 on their maternity wear
In case ur looking for one, Mothercare have a sale on a few diff steralisers... all half price. One is there own brand Pod which is now 24.99, one is there own brand Digital Pod which is 29.99 and one is a Tommee Tippee which is reduced from 120.00 to 60.00 - this one comes with 8 bottles and 8 slow flow teets. 3 mid flow teets, a soother, a brush, a bottle warmer, 2 insulating bottle holders, 6 powder dispensers and a pair of tongs. Pricey but u get alot for ur money!
Plus if u join their club, there is £5 voucher off steralisers if over £50.
They also have 3 for 2 on their maternity wear