I'm from Germany, but afaik the rent culture is common accross the whole of the continent and the UK is pretty unique when it comes to the thrive for "owning". I'm putting the "owning" into quotation marks, as it seems to me that at least in the case of 100% mortgages, interest only deals etc, people actually don't own any property and are probably worse off than those who rent. Just look at the recent collapse and the wave of repossessions. This is something we're less affected by as tennants. On the other hand we're always under the threat that our landlady might want to sell and we'd have to move then, but that's a different kettle of fish.
Another thing I find interesting in the attitude towards housing is, that people over here who rent do not seem to invest much into decorating there homes, while in Germany any tennant would treat their rented accomodation in the same way as it was their property. Most contracts even oblige you to change wall paper every so and so many years etc. You're much freer to make your mark, but then people don't seem to think in the "paying someone else's mortgage" terms common in the UK.
There's also a much better legal situation protecting both landlords and tennants from being ripped off by the other.