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Mood Swings.....Do you suffer them??


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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I found hubby earlier franitcally googlin, women & mood swings, mood swings, even vicious women & wrong time of womens month :lol:

He seems to think its only me that has mood swings, doesnt understand that all women suffer them at some point, or am I wrong?

He reckons none of his past GFs have been moody, but then he never really spent much time with them! All I need to do is look a bit down or not respond when he tells me he loves me for him to accuse me of being moody!
Other times for example today I asked him 5 times to help with something, despite looking at me, he was listening so I kept repeating it louder in the end I snapped, instantly I was accused of being moody!

He said to me, why are you so moody no other women suffers mood swings, wha is your problem, he never says it in a nasty way, he is more concerned then anything else

please tell me/reassure me Im not the only women out there that suffers from them! Its getting frustrating that I cant get him to understand that sometimes a womens hormones go crazy and she is like a yoyo emotionaly, some days Im fine other times I am actually moody for a day or 2 and when I asked why I cant tell you coz I dont know why!
No, I am a pleasant, even-tempered ray of sunshine at all times. And my husband will agree.

Or I'll chin him. :D
im so guilty of this :oops: :rotfl:

In fact my OH gets woried when i DONT go mad about something. It freaks him out, he's so used to me losing my rag. :lol: I do totally admit to getting wound up about little things, and i find it really hard to let things go too... apart from that, im not too bad :lol:
hell yeah! my mood swings are extreme! and can haapen over days, hours or even minutes! and usually has nothing to do with the circumstances- very often just completely random :lol: i can by hyper when times are grim and i can be sullen when all is gravy! :lol:

we women are mysterious creatures, thats one of the reasons we are so alluring...
When we got our BFP with our daughter my OH said he knew I was PG because I hadn't been moody!! :rotfl:
jools221181 said:
I thought everyone had mood swings! Not just women! :lol:

They do!! men just make us paranoid and blame us for theirs too!! :D
I dont think I do to be honest.... and Brian has never said that I do :think:

I get really upset and angry for NO reason. Lol.
OH is used to it. I shut myself in the bathroom and refused to come out for a while the other day. Lmao
OMG my mood swings are awful....

the 'time of the month' is my worst for my moods...

That's when I'm really nice... then for the other 3 weeks I go back to my usual b*tchy self :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
hell yes I'm terrible but don't tell DH I'm admitting to it :rotfl:
Mine are terrible, and have been even more so the last month.

My other half keeps his distance when af arrives as he knows i am likely to scalp without warning :lol:

I do worry though that i lose my rag over the most trivial of things, what am i going to be like when im pregnant again.

Does anyone ever think they need some medication.
ok ladies, thanks for the replies, Im sorry but I did laugh at a couple :wink: Cant wait to show hubby when he gets home!! he can fianlly back off and stop moaning im the only women who must be like it as its not normal! :rotfl:
mrs_tommo22 said:
I bet you aint as bad as ne baby storm :lol:

go on whats been your worst moment recently?!

Thing is a couple years ago I was horrendus, permantly angry, leavin holes in the doors, slamming things, its since I have met him that I have calmed down, my worst thing I will admit is snapping, i bite his head off at the slgithest of things (but he is a dumbass half the time!)
he responds in kind then wonders why i get arsey and slam off!! if he would just ignore me whne I snap or tell me when I have it would be easier, because soemtimes i dont even know I have done it if that makes any sense?
Yes I suffer with them and OH always used to make out I was the only woman in the world who was like that as all the other women he knew (friends so was never in a relationship with them :roll: )

And women he had dated etc, but never had a relationship longer than 3 months :lol: so yeah he really knew :lol:

It wasnt until he got to know my best friend did he realise that alot of women are like it.

I have spoken to doctor about it actualy as it really did my head in, and he said its usualy to do with hormones.

I am very hormonal even when not pg or on af, and when im on the pill etc im evil, hormones effect me so much.

I dont like getting moody or having a very short temper, really gets me down sometimes :(

But you just have to try and coutn to 10 (what my mum always said)

And it works sometimes :)
Guilty as charged! :oops:

I get them ALOT!

I'm on medication and have come off the pill so imagine what a hormonal mess I am! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
I was foul yesterday and my oh was being playful and i told him to fuck off and stop being a dick and worst of all i found it funny insulting him :( totally unlike me.

I love my dh more then i have anyone and he was so angry he went out and sped off in the car and when he went i relaised what o had done.

He was fine when he was back and we didnt mention it no more, he knows what im like. But i really need to have a word with the quacks cos my hormones are everywhere.

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