millie is talking (dont know what language its in tho lol)


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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lately millie has started to really talk, as opposed to random noises and outbursts.

she isnt saying real words yet, but the intonation, tone of voice, patterns of vowels, consonants and syllables, and the way she engages by looking at you and making hand gestures as she talks, and pauses in between "sentences"- it is EXACTLY the same as how we adults communicate (apart from the actual words of course!)

in the past when iv seen toddlers chatter like this iv noticed their mums seem to understand what their child is saying even tho its gibberish to everyone else- i assumed i would be able to understand her before anyone else could- but im afraid i cant! :oops: its gibberish to me :lol:

aw but its the most adorable gibberish ever! in a way i dont want her to start using proper words coz i think this phase of speaking in baby-language is just the cutest thing ever!

im gonna try and record some and if i can get it on the computer i'll share with y'all!

im so loving this i just had to share! :D
It's funny because you often expect them to copy words or try to imitate sounds but sometimes my LO just makes stuff up too :) She can say a few words but suddenly she has taken to calling cats 'didi's. No idea why but it's only for cats :)
When Cameron was little i used to waIt for the pause in what he was saying and " answer" him . its meant to teach them the structure of conversation

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