Might be moving house - feel scared!


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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This is so silly ladies but wanted to share!

We currently rent our home and have done for the last 4 years through a private landlord. It's a 2 bedroom house great for us but not so practical for a baby like it has a quirky rope instead of a banister and it's completely open plan. Storage is an issue here too.

We went and viewed a 3 bedroom house this evening, it's gorgeous and perfect for a family. It's £300 a month more through an agent but we could afford it and still be able to have a small amount of savings. I could def see us as a family living there.

So you'd think I'd be excited which I am but also I have that sick feeling right at the pit of my stomach, I don't know if it's because it's all change or just anxious because of being pregnant!

I know I'm being silly just wanted to share :)
I wish we could move. My house sounds like urs (apart from the rope bannister!), but we r tied in till may next year :( wanna move when this tenancy is up tho, but can see movin with a 3month old baby bein tough. Best to move now, then u can b settled xx
I totally understand you being nervous of the stress of moving while pregnant but its great you can imagine this being your family home, I'm sure the move will be worth it.
would it not be worth looking into mortgages and houses to buy in your area instead of renting? you might be pleasantly surprised at what you can get.
I'd love to Bev but we could not afford the deposit you have to put down! House prices down here in South West are quite high :-(
ah, im lucky, ive rented off my mum for the past 8 yrs. she took a mortgage on her house to buy mine, then a bit more to buy another which my brother lives in, now shes getting another mortgage on my brothers house to buy a third. its a buy to let mortgage and shes useing collaterol from the house shes buying and my brothers place to get a 100% mortgage so no deposit has to be raised. they literally fall all over themselves to give u a deal if they can. if i wanted to go buy a place my mum would try to give me what ive paid in rent so far to use as a deposit. id at least ask the bank about the possibility to see what my options were.

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