Midwife takes everything sooo seriously!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2011
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My first app with mw and she asked how my husband was dealing with the pregnancy, so i said..."he's doing my head in" joking... And she said "in an abusive way?"
i said "no! Not at all, we have never had a crossed word in 6 years! I meant because he is smothering me and not letting me even wash up!"
but then later she said again... "are you sure he is not abusing you!" ... I must have looked like absolute cr*p because she was convinced i was getting beaten u!!!...
The last mw app i took him with me....
She was lovely, until she said "all your blood test results are fine, no need for iron tablets"
my husband, the pub landlord said" thats due to all the guinness you have been drinking" ...he was only joking, i have been teetotal for 3 years!
And she went nuts about drinking alcohol whilst pregnant and how it is not advised etc etc...
I could have murdered him!!
She is a lovely midwife, but has no sense of humour!!!

Aw well sometimes u guess these things do happen for real. A large percentage of domestic abuse begins during pregnancy as the man is jealous of the mums bond with baby. And I've seen pregnant women odd their head on drink and drugs before :(
My midwife also asked me about violence- he could try it but I'd knock his head in :oooo:
Suppose they have to take things seriously but my MW seemed to have quite a good sense of humour and took our daft comments as light entertainment! Maybe your MW isn't too hot at reading body language! ;)
Ahaha what a strange one!
Also I don't think Guinness is bad (just saying!)
I know someone who drank Guinness throughout their pregnancy and her baby was born with teeth! Nothing wrong with her at all.

Not that I support drinking alcohol when pregnant but y'know, just saying! :p xxx
my MW is a wee bitty like this, a total prude! Kept on going on about my weight so i flipped!
was like "seriously, yeah im a big girl, i dont need reminded at every appointment, im eating when i can due to the sickness and my exercise is limited due to have SPD, that u just confrimed that im suffering from, plus im preggo, whats your excuse cos u aint exactly a fooking size 10!"

she shut up after that and apologised.

i know they are only doing there job at the end of the day, but sometimes u just aint in the fettle lol x
Lol, sense of humour malfunction! When I was preggers with The Pud my old MW asked me what pain relief I was planning for labour, and I thought it would be funny to quote from this book I was reading and said "I plan to be main-lining heroin if the hospital permits it." I was kidding of course, but she got really angry and told me off for joking about drug abuse. Oops!
my MW is a wee bitty like this, a total prude! Kept on going on about my weight so i flipped!
was like "seriously, yeah im a big girl, i dont need reminded at every appointment, im eating when i can due to the sickness and my exercise is limited due to have SPD, that u just confrimed that im suffering from, plus im preggo, whats your excuse cos u aint exactly a fooking size 10!"

she shut up after that and apologised.

i know they are only doing there job at the end of the day, but sometimes u just aint in the fettle lol x

Gosh that's slightly rude! I can understand her mentioning it at first but to keep going on about it! A crash diet would be bad for the baby anyway and say you had a history of eating disorders that could be disastrous!
:rofl: I'm lucky that mine seems to have a good sense of humour.
I've seen a different mw at every apt but luckily they all had sense of humours!! I'm terrible for a flippant crack or two, if I had ur mw I'd probably be sectioned lol!!

Also very lucky not had my weight mentioned, only once very tactfully by a consultant who put me for the gtt and an apt with the anaethatist cos of my bmi, as long as ur eating well and doing what exercise u want what more can u do, not like I'm sat eating all the pies for 9 months lol
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Lol, sense of humour malfunction! When I was preggers with The Pud my old MW asked me what pain relief I was planning for labour, and I thought it would be funny to quote from this book I was reading and said "I plan to be main-lining heroin if the hospital permits it." I was kidding of course, but she got really angry and told me off for joking about drug abuse. Oops!

LOVE this lol!

My MW seems to be fine, looks at me a bit oddly occassionally, but i'm used to that!
Blimey there are some funny ole MWs out there! What else do we have to fall back on if not our SOH? Amazing that some of them take things so seriously :)

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