Thanks for the vote of confidence and for what you said about the name on my ticker. I'm not calling my baby "Bryani" though - it's just a made up nickname from before I got pregnant that's stuck. My little boy wants to call the baby Franz (don't know why, perhaps after Franz Ferdinand?). and my little girl strangely likes Francesca or Fiona (after the lady ogre in Shrek!). I'm just not going with this 'F' theme of theirs....
I'm not convinced by that sexing scan at all, that's one of the reasons I want another scan - well, that and to see the baby again for reassurance. Now, I'm worried that I didn't have the AFP blood tests or nuchal fold test/scan or anything. I didn't realise that the mother's age at the baby's birth (not at conception) was the one they counted. I'll be 35 when the baby's due, which puts me into the higher risk bracket...ach, I suppose it's natural to worry...
Have you thought of any names yet? Any thoughts on what you might be having?