
Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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Why are men such arseholes?!

My OH has decided he's gonna start playing Jekyl & Hyde. This morning for example, after me staying at his mothers all bloody weekend, went to mine to get changed for work and stuff so i put pc on for him to check ebay and went upstairs to get ready, got back down and he started ranting and raving like a loony about absolutely fuck all, so here's me crying like a baby feeling as if i've done something wrong when really i haven't, so all the way to work this morning not spoke a word, what the fuck is his problem, i hate men today :evil: He does this quite a lot for no reason and then tonight when he picks me up it'll be like nohing happend. Already had a talk to him about this a couple of months back and since then we've been getting on excellent but then this moring he starts all over again. I am not bringing a baby into this, so if he doesn't buck his ideas up he can get to fuck for all i care at the moment.

Here's me thinking I was the one supposed to be having mood swings!

Sorry girls, rant defo over now!!
awww hun u poor girl maybe u should remind him u r pregnant and stress that is not really needed not a good idea
hope u mange to tlk to him
Hope he realises what he has done and makes amends :hug: xx
OMG my OH is living a double life with you!! Honestly that could have been written about him, what exactly is their problem??
:lol: Glad it's not just me Kim, think they are just born with the arsehole gene to be honest!!

He's fine now, as i predicted that night when he picked me up from work all was fine then wondered why i was being funny with him, ah well i doubt they will ever learn, or appreciate just exactly what they've got!
Men will yell at you to see your reaction, its how they subconsciously want to know you care. Especially now that you are pregnant, all attention goes to you, as it should! This is what makes men imature at times. I am glad you are not going to put up with his bad behaviour. If he continues to misbehave, withdraw your attentions towards him. He will wonder why you don't care. Then you can easily explain to him that if he doesn't quit being mean, you will not put up with it. Men hate being ignored, but that doesn't give him the right to take it out on you. Remember, men are always aged 3 and never seem to grow from that age emotionally. Its a burden being a woman sometimes, dealing with mens tantrums, knowing full well they are just doing it for attention. Like any 3 year old.

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