I bought trial packs of the little lambs from their website so have one each of the bamboo, terry and microfleece.
I never bothered buying more as I thought my terry squares did the job fine and are so much cheaper and easier to clean.
The microfleece is amost dry when it comes out of the washing machine unlike the others which take over 24 hours to dry on a clothes airer. It's no where near as absorbant as the others though. It was fine for the first couple months but now Logan is getting bigger I find it's not lasting as long before it needs changing (about 2 hours now).
I think the little lambs sizes are smaller than some of the other brands, Logans size 1's are starting to feel snug now he is 16 weeks old. He's only on the 50th centile too. I don't think the wraps are as good as some others either, I find the cotton bottoms ones are more secure and they're cheaper too.
Now Logan is bigger the little lamb wrap often undoes on it's own unless he's wearing a vest to keep the velcro in place.
I would recommend buying a trial pack first to see what you think of it, they're about £8 on the little lamb website with a nappy, cover, booster and liner. Or you can get a used one cheapon ebay
Ive never seen a tots bots in the flesh but have heard good things about those so I'd be tempted to get one of those to try too before you buy a big stash of little lambs