Late miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2018
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sorry I have never posted much but here is what happened to me: I am a mum to 2 boys already, one who will be 12 in June and one who will be 5 in July, I had a miscarriage in 2008 at 6 weeks after only knowing I was pregnant for 3 days, my story isn’t about that sad loss though. Me and my children’s dad split up last year and I got with my new partner who I have known as a friend for four years in September, we found out we were having a surprise baby this february just gone, at my 12 week scans I was told I had quite a large fibroid in my womb but it shouldn’t harm the pregnancy. We were due 29th October baby looked healthy, fast forward to may 1st and my dad sadly passed away suddenly, then on may 10th I started spotting I went to the hospital and was sent home and told abit of spotting was normal as long as there was no pain I would be ok, 11th may I lost a clot but was still only spotting and still no pain so again I was sent home and told to go back only if bleeding was soaking a pad in an hour or I had pain. By 8pm I started getting mild contractions but thought nothing of it, maybe a water infection, at midnight I woke up in absolute agony, contractions were regular and painful, I phoned 111 but as I still wasn’t bleeding I was told the on call doctor would ring me back, 2 hours later still no phone call and pains were worse so I called them again, I was still on the on call doctors list to call back, an hour later I couldn’t cope with the pain any longer so I rang 999 who told me I would have to get a taxi to hospital if the pain was unbearable as they wouldn’t send me an ambulance unless I was bleeding, half an hour later the blood was gushing out of me and they finally sent an ambulance (and the on call doctor finally rang me back 😒) I got to hospital and they didn’t know what to do with me, I was too far gone for epau and not pregnant enough for triage (I was 15+5 they wouldn’t see me until 16) so I was left in the major trauma ward until gynea finally found me a bed at 1030am, I got to the hospital at 4am, I wasn’t seen my a doctor until 2pm who examined me and told me they could see the baby and if I pushed it would come out and then I had to deliver the placenta too, I got to see my perfect little baby but it was too small for the date I should have been, turns out I had had a missed miscarriage around week 14 which would have been around the same time my dad passed away. I had a scan and I had had a complete miscarriage but my womb was still open so I was kept in a few days to make sure I didn’t hemorage, they offered us an autopsy on baby but I turned it down, they couldn’t tell us the sex either as baby was too small, we held the funeral for baby and my dad together on May 30th. Thankyou for reading, I just wanted to put it into words
I’m so sorry for you loss. Sending you and your family love ��
Thankyou, I hate that my body feels back to normal now, I miss all the pregnancy symptoms I moaned about
It’s hard and I’ve never been as far as you. It’s a dread and a relief mixed into one when you start to feel back to your self.
I think it’s hard at any point because as soon as you see that second line on the test you start planning your future, you just don’t expect it once you’re past 12 weeks cuz you assume you’re safe, I think if I ever get pregnant again I’ll be a paranoid wreck all the way through lol x
Yeah once you’ve seen a heartbeat and everything looking good you relax but I won’t if I get pregnant again I don’t I think I will tell anyone until I’m showing as it’s so hard telling people the bad news I find my self getting frustrated and annoyed with people as they tend to say to me well at least you can get pregnant. Well yes that’s all well and good but I can’t stay pregnant ��
People tend to say some insensitive things until they’ve been through it themselves don’t they
Yeah and then your left bitting your toungue to go upset anyone
Oh what an absolute nightmare. I am SO sorry you lost your dad and your sweet baby. Sending you good thoughts.
dinkydizzy, this is an utterly heartbreaking story I'm so sorry. There are no words to make you feel better really, I only hope you can get some comfort from your dad and your little one being together. I'm devastated for you. I lost a baby at 16 weeks and will never forget it but to have to deal with both like that must be impossible.

I really hope you get your rainbow soon but take some time to just be x

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