ladies moaning zone only!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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i thought it be nice for all of us who want to moan lol

il start us of :)

my list of things i am sick of

1) Toilet 3 -4 times a night even feels like one after another

2) Not being able to sleep

3) Takes 2 hours to turn over in bed , ok ok maybe 5mins lol

4) Getting hungry and stupid o clock in the morning

5) bad smelly wind :/

6) i think my baby is head down so i got a lot of pressure down their :(

7) Cannot get comfortable when sitting down anywhere and find it hard to cross my legs lol

8) sore splitting stretch marks :(

i think thats it for now il prob think of more later lol xxxx
Well ive just weighed myself!! :( not good! thank god i dont have much longer to go!
fed up of being pregnant
fwd up of knicker watching
can't c feet
want to wear nice clothes again
tired of going to the bog lol
Feeling like a beached whale
Gaining lots of weight
Sharp kicks under my ribs
Everything takes so much more time
Going to the loo all the time
I'm fed up with :
not being able to sleep
feeling knackered all the time
my lack of a sex life
eating 24 hours a day
having nothing nice to wear
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Heartburn... Ouchie!

Not being able to wear ANYTHING that is comfortable... my bump is so low down it even hurts to wear knickers and leggings now as they dig into my skin and make it even more sore!

Coke... as in cola! I know i can drink it in moderation but thats just no fun :(

Having to virtually roll out of bed and hope to somehow manage to find my feet without having to use any muscles to get up!

People telling me (for the last 3 months!) "Could be anytime now!" ahh stop putting pressure on my little girly :(

Being described as looking like "The front of a ship!" ... how lovely!

I could go on all day so i'll stop here!
Being told bump looks huge and I won't last another 4 weeks
Being told bump looks nice and neat and small
Being told itl ooks like a boy bump
Being told it looks like a girl bump
Basically fed up of people feeling they can comment all the time about my bump!
Acid reflux.....owwww,
Morning sickness,
Stiff fingers when I wake up (just started in last week mw says I have to do jazz hands when i wake up to stop swelling oh the joy!),
Everyone suddenly having an opinion on the baby, the bump, me etc just cos im pregnant,
Worrying about lack of movement, too much movement etc, for godsake baby just get in a routine so I can relax,
Not able to roll over in the night,
Constant burping ewwww,
My hormones making my girl bunny think she is pregnant so she digs out her litter tray and thumps all night!
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People constantly asking me why we haven't decided on a name then proposing something rubbish (like Rupert!!)
I wish we had a name :-(
Heartburn... Ouchie!

Not being able to wear ANYTHING that is comfortable... my bump is so low down it even hurts to wear knickers and leggings now as they dig into my skin and make it even more sore!

Coke... as in cola! I know i can drink it in moderation but thats just no fun :(

Having to virtually roll out of bed and hope to somehow manage to find my feet without having to use any muscles to get up!

People telling me (for the last 3 months!) "Could be anytime now!" ahh stop putting pressure on my little girly :(

Being described as looking like "The front of a ship!" ... how lovely!

I could go on all day so i'll stop here!

Hehe.. This such a problem for me to.. im a cokaholic normally!
People constantly asking me why we haven't decided on a name then proposing something rubbish (like Rupert!!)
I wish we had a name :-(
Tell them you have decided but not telling anyone, it has worked for us!
Spots, cravings, constipation, feeling uncomfortable all the time, not being able to roll over in bed without feeling like I need a crane, people asking if I'm excited about the baby :dohh:
Ok... I'm fed up of....

Waking up to go to the toilet AGAIN when I've barely fallen asleep from the previous time!
Taking up so much room in the bed that OH moans at me in the morning...
Having to wake up if I want to roll over... And then when I do waking OH up cause I make the bed creak so he moans at me a bit more...
Constantly being hungry.
My bump hanging out the bottom of all my tops...
Not being able to get comfortable unless I can lay down, therefore spending my whole life in bed! lol
The cats being obsessed with my bump and not leaving me alone...
"The runs" (sorry tmi)
Feeling sick and dizzy
Worrying about whether bubs is ok
Peeing in a pot!
Not having the energy to do anything, and when I do make myself do something, having to have a nap afterwards :roll:

Ahh.... So nice to let it all out in a way that does end up with OH moaning at me for moaning... Ha ha
Oooohhh this thread is for me!!!! Where to start??

SPD means if I sit down too long, when I stand up I literally Cant put one foot in front of other.
If I walk anywhere I need to wear support belt. If I walk any longer than 15 mins Im out of action for 2 days.
I lie down, my boobs feel like they are choking me.
I sit up, I need to lie down.
I go on ball I need to go on floor.
I go on floor I need to sit (see a pattern?) I just Dont know where to put myself....
Constantly tired
Feel lazy
No va va voom
No pee control when sneezing
Erm....hayfever.....see above
Cant be bothered working but have to
Swollen feet, ankles and fingers
Uncomfy clothes
Feel fat and frumpy
Have you tried doing own pedicure?
Too hot
Mahoosive boobs
Cant sleep
Clothes too uncomfy, yes even most of maternity ones
The thought of 5 more weeks of this HELL.....or 7!!!??

That should do for now. Maybe tomorrow do a thread on what we LOVE about being pregnant! lol
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Sorry, forgot heartburn and trying to roll over in bed
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I forgot my hands being too swollen to wear my engagement ring!! x

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