Labour at 32 weeks??


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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If u go into labour at 32 weeks is the same as a normal labour or does something different happen? My friends mrs is pregnant but I don't even know what happens when I go into labour......any one know???
i think it would be the same as a full term baby labour can be different for everyone some people water break then have contracts some can have contration and water break or sometimes your having contractions and may need your waters broke it depends really. i had contractions from new years eve then on the 3rd they got worse i couldnt manage the pain so went in to hospital they examined me i was 6 cm dilated then possibly 20 mins after that my water broke and i was ready to push
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Oh wow, I used to think labour was pretty much 24 hours n that's it. Ur water breaks n then baby comes.
Yet.......its not like that at all
I went into labour at 36 weeks and a friend went in to labour at 32 weeks- same as a normal labour and birth in both cases but babies went into SCBU for a couple of weeks to become stable before coming home.
Oooh. I thought 36/37 weeks was full term :/
37 weeks generally is considered full term but pre-term (before 37 weeks) often end up in special care for a while :(
Well I'm hoping with all the Braxton hicks I don't follow suit n go into early labour :s
i started getting period pains at 11:30pm on a wednesday dozed threw them till 1:30am. they were irregular and not that painfull til 6am then they became every 5mins got to hospital 10:30am and tegan was born 3:58pm x
having BH doesnt mean you will go in labour early hun also labour can last hours or even days everyone is different i dont recommend a very quick labour though it can be a shock
I've not even had any braxton hicks (I don't think) so this is going to be fun! Lol. Yeh some people labour for like 30 hours, think you gotta be pretty unlucky but I guess the average is about 7 or 8 hours x
It doesn't :( Ahh man I thought having loads of Braxton hicks meant u would go into labour earlyish

Ahh bummer
I had my 3rd at 33 weeks, my waters broke at 22 weeks so i was very lucky that my son stayed in for so long, basically i just went into labour and it was exactly the same as my 2 previous births very fast and went into shock, with my 4th they were convinced i was going to have her prem too, i had a ffn test that prdicted pre term labour, I had loads of painful braxton hicks from early on with her but i didn't have her till 39 weeks. so braxton hicks is has no meaning to when you will have your baby, I repeat what midnight said aswell fast labours are not nice people think you are lucky but you are not, my last 3 labours have been basically minutes and its very scary and i go into shock, they induce me early so i dont have it out and about.
I've not even had any braxton hicks (I don't think) so this is going to be fun! Lol. Yeh some people labour for like 30 hours, think you gotta be pretty unlucky but I guess the average is about 7 or 8 hours x

My MIL-to-be was in labour for 4 days with her first! :shock: xx
My mum was in labour for 3 days with me n I was 2 weeks late :/

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