karen matthews charged

They saw all the money that the Mccanns had donated to them for the find Maddie fund and they thought they would cash in on that basically..thats the long and short of it! shes a disgrace!
she doesnt deserve a penny or sympathy either.people were out helping to look for the poor little girl and she knew where she was the whole time!I would make her pay for the cost of the police investigation too :twisted: :evil:
Do you remember that programme channel 4 made showing them day to day looking for shannon etc...??
I knew someting was wrong when i watched that, they didn't give a flying crap where she was all they kept going on about was why no one was sending them enought money and that the mcanns were getting a load of money and were already rich...i don't think she once said "i want my little girl back" or anything like that.
yeah i said at the time why wasnt she concerned?if it had been my daughter missing I would of been out combing the streets round the clock not leaving it to everyone else.i wonder what would of happened if they had got the money they wanted would they of killed her?or did they intend for her to just 'pop' up?
Yeah i wonder that too..i mean they couldn't have just let her reappear, they know the police would have questioned her and it sounds like they actually had her against her will they didn't just coerce her into hiding away for a little while..she wouldn't have lied to the police!! thank goodness she was found..i wonder what on earth they would have done with her!!
shes a stupid woman imo, how could a mother have in on anythin like that, that poor little girl :x

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