just wondered if anyone can help?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2006
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ive been trying to get in contact with my health visitor all morning but no answer
i left a message at 10 past 9 to call me when she got the message but i aint heard from her yet
anyway the reason im writing was to ask if anyone else has experienced this
keryn is 10 weeks old and last night after her feed at 10pm she was a little bit sick but it had like a streak of blood in it
i was a little worried as to what this could be
plz any advice would be appreciated

love lou n keryn xxx
em no rang my docs and they r engaged ill keep trying tho

thanx if anyone else has any advice thanx
love lou n keryn xxx
Aww, pet, thats a shame. I would try your doc, thats somthing that should be seen. You could get an audience with the pope quicker than getting through to the docs sometimes.

Hope babes is okay :D
Thanx for ur help i just got off the phone with the health visitor and she said it sounds like shes burst a wee blood vessel when she was sick but ive just to keep an eye on her and if i see any changes or if it happens again ive to call in straight away and theyll check her over

love lou n keryn xxx
Why don't you post on the feeding or health section for new Mums? I have been reading some of the feeding posts from ages ago in preperation and am sure someone else mentioned this. I hope all is ok.

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