Jacob isn't very well :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2005
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Poor Jacob is full of cold :( he is really struggling bless him. His nose and eyes are watering all the time, he seems to have an upset tummy too - he is filling his nappy really bad after every feed plus more. I feel so sorry for him he is too little to be poorly. I was up all night last night with him as he was struggling to sleep. I have had him in his pram today cos you can raise the mattress which should help him to breathe when he goes to sleep. I have given him some baby calpol, any other suggestions?

stuff calpol medised is much better, hes over 3 months so he can have 2.5ml - 5mls
http://www.mypharmacy.co.uk/medicines/m ... infant.htm

its great its made to help baby sleep and help breathing and a pain relief. its a godsend.

you can only get it over the conter in a chemist though. but i defo recomend it.

and some snuffle babe rub it on his chest

(i no all i ever brag about is medised but i love it)
I agree with Dionne. She recommended for Jamie, its great stuff. When he had a cold recently I put a few drops of Olbas Oil on the sheets in his cot to help him breathe, worked a treat, he didn't wake up once during the night.

Hope he gets better soon.xx
thanks girls. have text dh and asked him to pick some up for me. Will I be able to use medised even though i gave him some calpol earlier on or should I wait till tomorrow?

3 times a day is ok.

just give him some before bed he will prob sleep loads Halrey did, but i think its best for them to just sleep through it all if they are poorly.

it will be behind the counter in chemist not on the side.

he will need to ask for it x x

get better soon little man

not nice when they are so small its not fair on the poor lil things
funny you should ask kina, but i think he might be. he has been dribbling for weeks and biting at everything. he doesn't suck his thumb anymore he chews it!

Well it all adds up - the nasty cold and minging nappies :puke: .

Any tell tale marks on his gums?

Hope he's better soon - Ella had really bad colds when she got her first few teeth through. Not nice for the poor little mites :hug:
Ahhh poor thing :(

Phoebe has just got over a cold and high temp.

Seems to be going around. It's so sad seeing them when they're ill :(

Hope he gets better soon :)
dionne said:
(i no all i ever brag about is medised but i love it)

I know someone that used to give her kids medised when they was not ill to make them sleep so she could go to the pub!!! :shock: Dont worry she was not my friend just someone i knew and hated!!

Hope little fella gets better soon bless him.

Keely said:
dionne said:
(i no all i ever brag about is medised but i love it)

I know someone that used to give her kids medised when they was not ill to make them sleep so she could go to the pub!!! :shock: Dont worry she was not my friend just someone i knew and hated!!

Hope little fella gets better soon bless him.


im ot that bad lol

i swear i only use it when LO is poorly
dionne said:
stuff calpol medised is much better, hes over 3 months so he can have 2.5ml - 5mls
http://www.mypharmacy.co.uk/medicines/m ... infant.htm

its great its made to help baby sleep and help breathing and a pain relief. its a godsend.

you can only get it over the conter in a chemist though. but i defo recomend it.

and some snuffle babe rub it on his chest

(i no all i ever brag about is medised but i love it)

Yeah Ewan has a cold at the mo, and a friend of mine said that she used medised coz it helped them sleep so i got some and it really helped his breathing more than calpol.. also made him quite dosey!! lol
I've been using calpol during the day if he has been bad and medised at night.
Thankyou all for your advice. Jacob slept much better last night, only woke at 3 for a feed and again at 7.30am. He usually wakes up for the day after his morning feed, but he went back down and is still asleep now! He must be catching up on all the sleep he missed out on the night before!!! Pity I couldn't, the plumber is here servicing the boiler!!

Lindsay said:
Pity I couldn't, the plumber is here servicing the boiler!!


oh yer lindsay!!! :rotfl:

glad jacob is better xxx
Keely said:
Lindsay said:
Pity I couldn't, the plumber is here servicing the boiler!!


oh yer lindsay!!! :rotfl:

glad jacob is better xxx

He he naughty thoughts went through my head straight away when I read that :rotfl:

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