Ive just sent him this email - What do you think? Do you think its to harsh?


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2011
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I am getting a bit lost with everything at the moment and I'm not feeling hopeful. I feel you don't understand how I feel and what pressure I am under whilst being pregnant.

You might say "It was my birthday" but that goes against your own apologies you've said to me - It sounds pretty bad from where I stand. How do you think I feel when you just disappear until 3 in the morning and don't get so much as an even a phone call?? Not to mention you lied to me and acted completely irresponsible and selfishly. I need to be able to trust you!!!!

You have been out a lot Adam. Most weekends we go to the pub whether it be for 2 pints or 10 pints. You see your mates and you haven't exactly missed out on a night out! Your going to a weekend car show piss up, music festivals, stag do's etc - The only thing I cant do is go abroad! I've given you your freedom but your not being fair in return!

When I spoke to you about not getting too wasted at Wireless, you almost looked disappointed and went into a world of your own. It makes me feel really unhappy because you don't seem to understand that its not fair on me because you should be there to look out for me and look after me. I'm nearly 6 months pregnant Adam and I am having to ask you to be conscientious about your actions. Its draining the hell out of me and im losing faith and trust in you.

Yes I made a mistake with my money last month but every other month I pay my rent on time. I am left with min amount of money in my account and so far mostly all my spare wages have gone on clothes and other things for this baby.

I have bought no clothes for myself up until yesterday and im even wearing underwear and other clothes that are to small for me and its not comfortable! I don't smoke, I'm not drinking, I don't go out much! I generally don't do a bloody lot! As you can tell, when your restricted to these things, you'd think the partner would be a little more appreciative of this and stop acting like a twat!

I need you to start looking at the bigger picture that YOUR girlfriend who YOU chose to have a baby with, is doing almost all of the leg work. I'm drained, I'm tried, I haven't slept properly for weeks and every ounce of my energy is being wiped out because of making this baby healthy. I'm worried about his kidney and that we might have to go through more problems and every time you selfishly say and do things that you think are not a problem, you are making me unhappy, stressed out and depressed! I am also run down with a kidney infection, which you seem to just forget about!

Your actions are inflicting the same feeling on YOUR baby! I have done sod all to deserve how you act and if its because you are "getting used to the change in life style" that's not my problem. I don't have a choice, I changed from the minute the pregnancy test came up positive. You should have done the same!

Don't make this harder for me and start thinking about your girlfriend and your baby and STOP thinking about your own life style!
bravo well said in every way x if he dosent step up now he really is a plonker!!!
I completely agree. It's so much easier to get these things down 'on paper' than to have to say them face to face. Hopefully when he sees this in black and white it'll have the desired effect. Really well written email.
Great email

That should get the point across.

Maybe you's could come to some sort of arrangement where he only goes out 1 night at the weekend, or every other weekend or something?

Fingers crossed you get a nice reply

Well said hunny, hope he reads every word and starts to change for you x x

Yep, like the others said, well said, you seem to have covered everything that's been bothering you lately, now the ball is in his court to start putting you and baby first. Keep us updated how things go, hope he grows up x
Fan - bloody - tastic email hun! Well done xxx
Well said hun!! x If he doesn't get the point from that, I don't think he ever will x
well said !!!! I agree with the other ladies if he doesnt step up he is a twat !!!! keep us posted xxx
Well said chick, you do right to get it all off your chest and as the other girls said if he doesnt step up hes a twat. Best of luck xxxx

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