Is there something simple that you just can't do???????????


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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Just been making tea, thought would make toad in the hole

and the one thing i cannot make no matter how hard i try is a decent batter!!!!!!!!, I use a packet mix that you just add water and an egg to, and luckily my mum only lives over the road so i call her to come and make batter for me :dance:

So c'mon girls is there summat dead simple that for the life in you just cannot do????????
LOL cook? What's that?

I can't type (I click edit at least once after all my posts), I can't spell Damien's name half the time, and I cannot, just cannot keep away from the forum for long :lol:
anything that involves making a milk based sauce. My dh cant believe how I can balls up macaroni.
Talking can be a challenge sometimes, often get my words wrong. :rotfl:
I can't say the word ventriloquist (not sure if I can spell it either). Never have been able to.
LOL i can't say skeleton i say skelinton!!!!

SAMI i have to edit all the time too!!!
i cannot go into to kitchen without opening the fridge and looking inside. :wall:
At the moment, paint my toenails!! GRRRR! :wall:
make gravy!!!! i buy the ready made stuff 4m the chill :oops:
budge said:
i cannot go into to kitchen without opening the fridge and looking inside. :wall:

lol I think lots of people do that. My DH always calls it the "looking-for-your-life-in-the-fridge syndrome" lol.
It's like :
"what are you doing in the kitchen?"
"looking for my life (said whilst peering in the fridge for no apparent reason for the millionth time that day)" lol.

I'm not very good at cooking - not horrific, but but very good.
I'm terrible at catching things that are thrown to me - crap hand-eye coordination.
I also cannot say STR words properly...well I can if I concentrate really hard, but they automatically come out as SHTR. like shtring instead of string.
I used to go to elocution classes when I was little, and the teacher was always telling me to say str properly. apparently it's not uncommon for people to shtr instead of str.
LOL at the fridge thing... it's like a comedian said... people just have to keep looking, like some food might miraculously appear :lol:
I cant say the word anonymous :oops: :oops:

OH takes the pee out of me when were out with mates, trys to get me to say it, I always end up saying.... enomnemus :wall:
lol fingers crossed!!
i know its not really funny... but i guess you have to laugh or you'd cry!!!
I can't make batter either.... toad in the holes === Aunt bessies!!

I cant drive in a straight line, I can just about walk straight too. Cant park the car properly. I have no idea how I passed my driving test :shock:
I can't park either. Not to save my life!
type, just look at some of my posts, the first and last letter are usually right but what comes between those is anyones guess haha


i gave up editing what i typed a long time ago!! hhahaha
Peel potatoes!!! :rotfl:

ok so i can do it but i usually end up taking half the potatoe away with the skin!!!! :rotfl:
grrr i just HATE pealing potatoes!! :rotfl:

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