Is it possible?

A week after OV'ing I was nauseous and had mild period type pains. I guess everyones different in when they notice symptoms but I certainly did. :D

I :pray: this is a good sign for you. :hug:
with my son and daughter i knew very early on i was pregnant and ironicly for 3 weeks before my period was due i had symptoms, i wouldn't even let my partner touch my boobs, and i was feeling nausous
I got symptoms at what must have been around a week after ovulating!!
I felt very sick! That was why I tested!!
Good luck hun and fingerscrossed!! :pray: :pray: :hug:
Thanks ladies :hug:

Still have the gut ache and had to rush to the loo again this morning lol.
I think it all depends on how tuned you are with your body (and women TTC usually are more tuned in to their "pregnant" bodies), and also how your hormones are affecting you!

I really hope you get your BFP :D xx

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