Internal & 28 weeks growth scan


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Hi girls

Had my cervix scan yesterday, well my cervix has shortened only by 1.2mm but down to 7.8mm now.

Had the growth scan on my little girl and she is quite normal, she weighs about 2lb 6oz now, is that normal???

I don't know much about the shortening of the cervics.

But I can say that 2.6lb sounds like a nice weight for 28 weeks.

if you click here you'll see a chart with the average fetal weight for weeks.

From the babies I know that have been born at 27 weeks and knowing their weights, 2lb 6oz is a lovely weight :D

Glad things are well at the moment xxx
At my 28 week growth scan they didnt tell me how much she weighed, they just said some measurements are small so we will cheak you again in 8 weeks!

When i go back at 36 weeks ill be asking! I did have a M/W appointment yesterday and she measured me and said that i am measuring spot on! So i think this little girl is going to be ok!
Hi Kelly S

That is good news, your little girl is ok.

My hospital may be different to yours, I have a list of all the measurements i.e. abdominal circumference, head circumference, etc all this was put into the computer and then it works out the approx weight. I go for weekly scans with a specialist doctor from Kings College Hospital so whether they do things different ???

Eveadel 28+3 weeks
Hi Nicki,

maybe they do then! I had our daughter 3 weeks early because a growth scan revealed she had stopped growing, they didnt realise untill late stages of the pregnancy! At the growth scan then they told me she weighed 4LB and she was just over that at birth! Its pretty amazing what they can find out!

The 28 weeks scan are also amazing everything is so clear isnt it, cant wait for my next scan!!!

Anyway hope all goes well
For bubble-dreamer so she can look at foetal weights

My baby weights over 5lb 2oz at 32 weeks should I be scared (does that mean I will be having a LARGE baby) my daughter was 10days late and only 7lb 12oz
That is quite a big bubba, bt then my 34weeker Damien was 5lb 13oz born, They said he would probably have been near 10lb at full term. So possibly hun! :shock:
Thanks I'm just hoping this one comes early and not 10days late like my little girl! I've got the raspberry leaf tea and fresh pineapple in to start taking from 37weeks hoping it might help bring on labour (anything is worth a try eh!)
thank you hun!

according to that she should be 3.31 pounds so its about right at 3lb 5oz :D

does anyone know what the other measurements are all it says is
BPD 79.0 mm
HC 290.0 mm - guessing head circumference?
AC 261.0 mm
FL 58.0 mm
HC/AC 1.11


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