Interesting thought...

It's interesting. I don't agree with the marriage bit being a society thing. As there are many animals out there that mate for life. So can be somewhat seen as an animal of marriage.
I haven't ever got the feeling of competitiveness when seeing a baby. Yes jealous but not that I should compete.
I guess what I find interesting is that someone else can describe the instinctual side of things quite honestly and well, it's like a breath of fresh air! At the moment I feel like I can relate to that, do I really need to hold off TTC for arbitrary monetary reasons? I feel like I'm having a debate with my body haha (I'm not mentally unwell promise).

In other respects I agree with you, I haven't felt the competitiveness she describes when I see other babies I think they're quite cute (I was pretty indifferent where babies were concerned before I was a mother myself). I am totally unsettled with making myself wait I just want another one boooo :)
I think it is a very interesting read, and I appreciate the honesty but I always struggle with people generalising like we are all the same because I believe we all feel differently about the same things (childbearing being one). Some people for example never feel the urge to become a parent and that doesn't mean they are less animalistic than those who want to have 10 kids. I do agree with the fact that having a baby and breastfeeding is as close to nature as we will get. I'm not sure about the competition thing as I haven't really felt it even though I have an older sister who had 2 kids before me, I always loved babies. :sleepy:
Hey yes that's very true, my fathers second wife has never wanted children. I got a bit wrapped up in the moment thinking about it last night and wondering why I'm putting the blockers on things when I just know my body's like yep come on then lets have a baby! ..I was a bit of a beast haha I've calmed down now. I need to get back to the gym or pick up archery before I go back to work.

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