Interesting article however you feed your baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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Just thought this was interesting, it basically says how its the nursing time that is important between mum and baby not by just breast feeding but also by formula. Too many of us feel guilty when we can't or don't want to breast feed so its nice to read something that's says how its the act of love and closeness that's important to feeding a newborn not just how a baby is fed.
Very interesting! Nice to see a different angle on the subject x
I totally agree with this. I have psychologically tortured myself over the fact I couldn't breastfeed as I desperately wanted to, and was getting a little sick and tired of all the articles that make you feel bad when it doesn't work. But I still love feeding time and feel a real bond and interaction with my daughter during it, as does my hubby who also does some of the feeding.
Will have a read a bit later, but I defo believe that if you chose to FF you are still getting a bond with your baby, it would be impossible not to xxx
Thanks for posting this Sarah. I can relate alot to that, after not being able to BF due to breast cancer - I tried tho. I BF'd my first & FF Kayden. I often feel like i'm still BF'ing because having a reflux baby is just as difficult, he is on me more than my 1st ever was. He feeds every 2 hours & sits for around 50/60mins on me after a feed, so I only get an hour to do whatever in between feeds. Which is bloody hard, esp at 6 months old.

I wonder if this is why they tell us not to feed LO in cot/bouncy chair/car seat ect. Apart from the obvious, that they might not be positioned properly, its also stopping that mum/baby bond.

At the end of the day, if you holding baby tight & feeding them when they want, they dont necessarily know what a boob is compared to a bottle, esp if your still doing skin to skin.

I totally agree with this. I have psychologically tortured myself over the fact I couldn't breastfeed as I desperately wanted to, and was getting a little sick and tired of all the articles that make you feel bad when it doesn't work. But I still love feeding time and feel a real bond and interaction with my daughter during it, as does my hubby who also does some of the feeding.

Me too chick. I felt like a real failure at first, I produced plenty of milk but he just wouldn't open his mouth wide enough and still chews on the bottle teats. Nothing wrong with his sucking, still reckon we could ditch the car seat and stick him to the window lmao
I thought it was refreshing to read it as so many mums beat themselves up when bf goes wrong all the other benefits of bf to do with bonding and emotional stuff are still there and there's no reason for ff mums to feel they or their baby are missing out. I thought the part about skin to skin as soon as the baby was born is lovely even when bf can't be done its about creating that nurturing environment.
I totally agree with this. I have psychologically tortured myself over the fact I couldn't breastfeed as I desperately wanted to, and was getting a little sick and tired of all the articles that make you feel bad when it doesn't work. But I still love feeding time and feel a real bond and interaction with my daughter during it, as does my hubby who also does some of the feeding.

Me too chick. I felt like a real failure at first, I produced plenty of milk but he just wouldn't open his mouth wide enough and still chews on the bottle teats. Nothing wrong with his sucking, still reckon we could ditch the car seat and stick him to the window lmao

Me too - have battled so much with 'not giving my LO the 'best start'' - have been co-feeding for nine weeks but have now stopped BF altogether. Feel awful, but for me the bonding time when feeding is no less when bottle feeding formula than when BF. Emily looks into my eyes and snuggles close when having he bottle and is incredibly happy :)
I think in a way it kinda works both ways. I never had skin to skin because of my section and I was just left to it in recovery but I've ended up happily bfing for 4 months now with no plans to stop


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