

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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When and how did you stop using Infacol? Cold turkey?

I am at the point where I wonder if I still need to use it for Phoebe... but I'm too scared to stop :rotfl:

Also, would you know immediately if she still needed it, or would it take a few days - like how it takes a few days for it to work :think:

Thanks all.
We were the same. I was terrified to stop but did so between 12 and 13 weeks and never needed it again :cheer:
Id kind of ween her off it... Sometimes I give it to my LO, other times I dont. Theres no difference between the burps with or without the infacol, so... by next week im not going to be giving any at all. he will be 12 weeks on Thursday.
I'm weaning Galen off it. I use it only now for feeds when he is really hungry and its been longer than 2.5 hours between feeds in the daytime as he guzzles it down then. And always when on my right boob as it floods him and he has a tendancy to suck in a lot of air also then. Those are the feeds that cause him problems and gradually as time goes on I'll wean him off those also.

Nighttime feeds and any others we go without.
We went cold turkey as we ran out while away and I didnt manage to get out for more! I have to say we havent really noticed the difference, the burps seem to come up a lot easier now on their own!
Thanks guys. To be honest, I was never actually how sure the Infacol helped anyway. I am sure it was a milk change that sorted her out.

So far she's had 2 feeds without today. I have 2 opened bottles, and 1 full bottle on its way with the shopping. I think after that, we might say bye bye to the infacol. One less thing to pay out for :wall:
We stopped altogher cold turkey about 2-3 weeks ago. I wasnt sure whether it was actually doing anything tbh.

Havent had any probs since x
We gave up cold turkey having only used it about 2-3 weeks in total. In hindsight I think her colic was naturally getting better and getting less intense and we have no problems in the evenings at all now (and haven't for a few weeks) without the infacol.
James lived on infacol for months. He was so windy but it never occured to me to change his milk! :doh:
I think I just stopped using it.
Luckily I haven't needed it for Logan.

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