Implantation cramps


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2016
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What do implantation cramps feel like? I am 6dpo, very bored waiting, and today had sharp cramping like period cramping but just for a few seconds. Not at all like ovulation pains. It was quite intense.I don't think I normally get it this early on. Also very grumpy and angry and irritable and coming down with a cold...could it be anything?
Now I've had a tummy ache all morning...probably nothing. SO hard not to symptom spot! Hope those of you in the 2WW are doing okay...x
I'm also 6DPO and I feeeeeel your frustration...trying SO hard not to read into every insipid detail! It actually frustrates me so very much to the point where I get angry with myself lol - then I find myself just being angry...then weepy...then oh so grateful for everything...then I feel like an emotional yo-yo...oh the joys of TTC!

As far as the cramping goes, today, at 6DPO is the day that if the embryo (blastocyst) had been successfully fertilized it would have moved down your ovary and begin to burrow inot your uterine lining, this can cause spotting and mild cramps which may either be similar to AF cramps (just dull and mild), or short little bursts, or pulling and pulling, almost like twinges (muscle spasms but in your uterus)...if you don't feel it, it doesn't mean your not experiencing implantation

When are you going to test? I'm soooo trying not to test like, I was a bit trigger happy and tested on 4DPO (such a foolish thing to do, I knoooow)
Oh yes, the mood swings! Haha. I think I probably won't test, just watch my BBT and see if AF comes. I've been doing this so long I've kind of given up on testing. Good luck!
I defo felt implantation both times. They made me jump as it felt really sharp, then a bit pulsey?? Lasted about ten seconds and then nothing....few days later the AF style cramps started up. Everyone is different though, my friend swears she had awful cramps at implantation. Wishing you lots of luck! Xx

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