I'm still here.......but not around much


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2007
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:wave: :wave:

Hi ladies, sorry I've not been on much recently, I'm off work with really bad backache at the minute and unfortunatley my nan has been taken into hospital with a perforated bowel!! She's been in intensive care for a week and half and has only just been moved to the special care unit so I've been running up there every day. To add to that it now means my grandad is on his own and he's loosing/lost his marbles a bit and doesn't even know his own name, age, DOB, who we are, what day it is etc etc so because I'm off work I've been trying to look after him too!! I'm exhaused!

Apart from that I just thought I'd let you know that baby is doing well.....I'm feeling regular kicks now and it is definately starting to get a pattern to it which I love. Fortunately it doesn't kick at night time.....that must be sleep time, lets hope it's getting into a routine ready for when it's born :rotfl: :rotfl:

I don't think I'll be on much unitl my gran is back home but I'll try and pop on just to check how you are all doing...

p.s. just noticed I moved up another notch on my ticker while I've been off.... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Good to hear from you and sorry that you seem to be having a tough time at the mo. At least LO seems to be doing well!

Just take care of yourself, hope all goes well and see when things have calmed down a bit.

:hug: :hug:
hey hun :wave:

glad you and baby are well :D

sorry about your nan hun, hope she recovers soon!! try to take it easy tho hun!! :hug:

YAY for moving up a notch on your ticker....that'll be me in a couple of days then :cheer:
hey hun :wave:

glad you and baby are well :D

sorry about your nan hun, hope she recovers soon!! try to take it easy tho hun!! :hug:

YAY for moving up a notch on your ticker....that'll be me in a couple of days then :cheer:
Chrissy I wondered where you had disappeared to :D Good news about baby knowing when it is night time - you will be so glad of that in a couple of weeks.

I hope your Grandma is better soon - hospital visiting is exhausting in itself nevermind looking after your grandad too....

Hope your back gets better soon.

Jane x
Aw hun you must be exhausted :hug: Hope your Gran makes a recovery and get's home soon and you get a chance to rest.
Take care of yourself,

Sarah x
Hi Chrissy,
I'd been wondering where you'd got to!
Sorry to hear about your backache and about your Grandparents, obviously particularly your nan. Make sure you take care of yourself - you must be knackered!
Glad to hear you are feeling regular kicks and that Baby is doing well :hug:
And :cheer: for the ticker moving on!
I was going to PM you as I hadn't seen you about Chrissy!

Glad things are going well with you and bubs :cheer:

Sorry to hear about your Nan though and make sure you take it easy and don't run around after your Grandad too much :hug:
Sorry you Nan is not well. Try not to run about too much if poss!

Glad all is well with your Lo :hug:
Nice to hear from you! :hug: was starting to wonder where you'd got to! Sorry to hear your having a rough time at the moment. Hope things improve for you soon, great that LO is doing so well though

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