Im back...well


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2011
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hi ladies...
Sorry not been on here much...I seriously dbt know how some of you guys mind the time.
Might b easier for thoe if u bfiing as ya get the free hand

How is everyone..ive literally only just been catchin up over the past coupla days n it seems like Ive missed sooooo much!!

Austin finally growing steadily now eff...hes 12lb at9weeeks..heavy as u like n my back is killing...ummmmfff!!

For u guys with boys much formula were they havin..Austins havin 6oz...but findibg sometimes he only fancies 4 n if he has more he projectiles it up..ewwww.Anyone else had that?

Im fillin my days seein tine n loving it...but I have to say the sleeo deprivation is killin me n ive had sum pretty big barnies with DH...due to sleep envy. Finally weve agreed a new deal...that I get t sleep thru on the eve of his day off n then one of his2days iff is mine t do as I please. started thus week n tomorrow is my 1st me what t do ladies??????

ill miss austin like hell...but I think itll b good to have a little time apart n ood bonding fordaddy too. otherwise he'll end up a clingy baby n i really dnt want itl help me too...t get used t being away from him now n then.

what still up at4am each night...he goes down at 8...which I think is ok for his age right? usually grizzles for a nap an hr n quarter after food which follows the Baby whisperers EASY the 'you' is usually spent doin bottles...cleanin..pots n other mundane stuff)

Anyway ladies...gimme an update on how u all are...especially my feb mummies gang...need t know hw u n ur LOs are ...big xxx
Well im not talking to you because you had Austen before I had James and he was due first lol, we are good I manage as he's my second so know hie it works so to speak James is good now weighs 12lb 9iz at 8 weeks and had his jabs today which has now almost started making him grizzly lol for me with already having a routine he just fitted in and life carried on as normal also James takes between 6-7oz each feed every 3-4 hours and sleeps 7-8 until 3-4 xx
Great to get an update from you GG! Sounds like things are going well for you! :)
We're good, but sleep is still not going so well. Some nights are better than others, but usually we put Emily to sleep at about 10pm, she wakes for a feed about 2.30, then again at about 5.00. I think it's because she doesn't take big feeds to fill her up enough for longer sleeps. 4oz is the maximum she will take in a feed - usually more like 2 or 3 oz, but she feeds frequently. Still, she has gained loads of weight, so all is good there. Wheeze 6lb 4oz when born and at 8 weeks weighed a fantastic 11lb 3oz! :). My arms are starting to get serious muscles now and my back is also starting to grumble!
ooh glad to see you and austin are well. Alyssa takes about 5 oz usually but has the odd 7or 8 oz feed randomly. shes now 14lb 2oz at just shy of 8 weeks! chunky baba lol. following her percentile line nicely tho

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