I'm a stupid, stupid women..........


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
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Okay, so i am officially a POAS addict!!! And quite possibly going mad as well, but hey, i thought i might as well share it with you guys in the hope someone will sympathise!!!!! The last couple of days i have been getting loads of pregnancy like symptoms, crying, cramping, feeling sick. So...i thought maybe i am pregnant, although i am only on cd 14 and have not even ovulated yet!!! Then I thought 'but my last period was really light, maybe this was just my hormones etc, like i've read on the internet'. So, I caved in and did a test, and it came back BFN!!!! :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

Cant say i'm too surprised, but i think i must be going mad with the wait!!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
poor you! iIt's easy to persuade yourself you have the symptoms isn't it - helps that they're really common symptons for this time of year!
yep... me too!! :)

i did it 2 days after AF, just to be sure!! doh.
I'm gonna post up my POAS diary soon, just to make you feel like the most patient woman in the world :lol:
Would it make you feel better if I told you that within a week I used all 20 of my ebay cheapies, 4 FRs and 2 clearblues?

Why did I use the cheapies up - cos I didn't believe them and used about four at a time that's why! (although I was right wasn't I !!!)

Hope you feel better otherwise that embarassing confession was for nothing! :oops:
Sweetie, I was exactly where you are last month. I refused to believe the POAS's until I did a digital one and even then I had my doubts!!! Wasn't until AF came that I finally relented to the fact it wasn't happening.

I even considered buying a load of cheapies off ebay today and had to physically stop myself as I can become slightly obsessed about these things!

You certainly aren't alone :hug:
I love this forum, its makes me feel so much better.

I did 8 tests last month, 5 cheapies off ebay and 2 clear blue. I started testing from 5 days after I thought I had ovd and even did my 2 clear blues when i got my AF praying it was implantation bleeding!! :wall: :wall:

I promised myself I wouldnt buy anymore until AF was late but the cb digitals were just calling me from the shelf yesterday so I had to buy 2 :lol: Oh dear, I think Ive cracked lol
ha ha ha :lol: u all crack me up!!! i'm only on my first month ttc so i wonder how many months till i become a poas aholic!!
puds said:
ha ha ha :lol: u all crack me up!!! i'm only on my first month ttc so i wonder how many months till i become a poas aholic!!
I'll give you till your 2 days before af is due, coz it rubs off from here :roll: :lol:
Donna's here said:
puds said:
ha ha ha :lol: u all crack me up!!! i'm only on my first month ttc so i wonder how many months till i become a poas aholic!!
I'll give you till your 2 days before af is due, coz it rubs off from here :roll: :lol:

well i'm 12dpo and not going to test as my temps gone down today and i do not feel at all pregnant :cry: !! so i guess i've survived month 1!! that said i got through 40 opks waiting for ovulation so i guess its started already :doh: !!
Know the feeling. It's not like their cheap either - I used a First Response one yesterday, convinced I was pregnant cuz I've been really put off my food lately and been feeling sick a lot, and it came back BFN. I was like 'you're wrong' :evil: and now I think the bloody old witch is coming too :evil: arghh! I wish I was a man :lol:

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